Saturday, 1 December 2012

December 2012

22 Nov-21 Dec

The new opening that has eluded you for some time is about to come into your life with a splash.  All that you thought was lost is not and the new found situation will just get better and better as you and others attached to you will confirm.  The opportunity will have life changing repercussions and will affect all those who are with you, a family affair.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Take the bull by the horns and run with it.  This is no time to feel inadequate or fragile, but to remain bold and robust to meet situations head on and know that you are right, but will come out a more confident person.  Life changing opportunities are there for your benefit to increase your skills and to launch you to a life you deserve.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Everything that appears difficult and unsolvable is now coming to the fore and a better immediate lifeline is now there. The impossible now becomes possible, a new way of acting and living is opening up for you, which was not achievable before.  All that you hold most dear is still there intact and the rest will fade away into oblivion, which was no longer important.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Be kind to yourself, as all that you hold most dear is on offer to you with knobs on.  Your salvation is already assured.  You need to come to terms with it and know that all that has been promised is there for the taking and more besides.  Lift-off has already begun.  You are in the super league of this industry and must act accordingly.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Vast amounts of wealth are being offered to you.  If you don’t meet it halfway you could lose what was ultimately yours for all time.  Important issues need to be ironed out. There cannot be any delay as there will have dire consequences for you and others.  Don’t play high and mighty.  See what needs to be done and act accordingly to come out on top.

20 Apr-20 May

An expensive time ahead will see you all of a tizz.  It has to in order for you to take the next vital step.  All is going to plan even though you are resisting the challenges.  Begin to see the wisdom behind what is now happening to you.  You are bang on course.  The surprise end will see you happier than you have been for a long time.

21 May-20 Jun

The most important decision of your life will be asked of you.  There is no time to hesitate, as it will cost you dearly.  The present given to you comes with love and well-meaning and your response should equal its worth in your eyes.  Nobody will be as happy as you will be and the importance of this gift will have lasting benefits throughout your life.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Start to believe in your worth and set time aside for what you hold most dear to you.  You are going through a phase of professional upheaval and all appears worthless in your eyes.  This is not so, as there will be another opportunity which will come out of the blue and set you on the right course again.  Your experience will count for a lot.

23 Jul-22 Aug

To be the best, one has to act as if you are and to believe wholeheartedly in your abilities and talents.  They have never left you and although you didn’t quite make the grade before, do not think you were overlooked or undervalued in any way.  There are still many opportunities out there, which will enable you to make your mark and for others to notice.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Being of sound, strong mind is what is needed to bring about a good satisfactory result.  Don’t deny your own ability to change what was not absolutely right for you and to bring about a new way of working and living is what this is all about.  You have to venture into a world unknown and accept what was always promised to you a long time ago.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Take this opportunity for personal expansion and to see life in a clearer more concise way.  You have been clogged up with so many missed opportunities that your head is spinning with nowhere to go.  Be happy that the Universal energy brakes have been put on to allow you to change course for the better, where you can now benefit in so many ways.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The time is not for thinking or for deliberating, but purely to act and to remain positive in all things.  The Mountain will come to Mohammed and this will be your Universal platform to expand your companies in mega ways that even you could not have believed possible some months ago.  Universal planetary aspects hold you in your performance, as all is high octane lift off now.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Thursday, 1 November 2012

November 2012

23 Oct-21 Nov

To look fate in the eye and know you are going to be alright inspite of the deluge of problems that surround you, is a marvellous thing.  There are still many changes to occur and challenges to meet. This is all meant to be so that you can remain on a safe footing and be given the chance to excel.  Start to make plans for your future.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The window of opportunity is not quite there yet; that does not mean you have to panic. The way forward has to be made perfect, so for that your transition to the next level of expertise you are ready and can receive it.  The time has come for those necessary changes which put the power back into your life and the necessary safeguards which were missing before.

22 Dec-19 Jan
Stand straight and tall; you are somebody and this will be reflected in how you operate on a very high level.  See the public look at you differently.  You enter now the higher spheres of expertise, now in a commanding position and can command a generous rate for your expertise.  It is high time you saw yourself as different and therefore cannot deny yourself any longer.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The mark of a good employee is to become the employer.  The tricks of the trade and the delicacies one has to perform are not always so strait forward. A better understanding of what is necessary for your evolvement within the work force is given to you.  You are now able to master situations, which before were incomprehensible for you.  You have come a long way.

19 Feb-20 Mar

To come from nowhere and to be hailed great for all time is a dream that has never crossed your mind.  The planetary configuration, which now exposes you to all things great and magnificent has been the true calling you have had since birth.  The setup is a masterstroke of genius, which cannot be denied and so it appears from nowhere, but becomes the norm.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Make way for an impossible event to come to you.  What you thought of as dead and buried will re-emerge into a magnificent display of amazing introductions, which will turn your life around completely.  It has come in at a strange time in your life, but necessary so that you can enact full freedom to do as you please and benefit in many ways – a true calling. 

20 Apr-20 May

Your own career, which you thought would never get off the ground, is now circumventing and it is at an ideal time for you.  No more the doubts that clouded your vision of expertise, your full worth recognised by the masses, who adore all that you do and say.  Look to the future not with bated breath, but with hope and optimism. It’s your destiny.

21 May-20 Jun

The change has come. This is a significant time in your life to administer new ideas, which you have held up for so long.  It enables you to perform at the highest level and to be appreciated for your knowledge of doing the right thing at the right time.  No more will you be over looked, but acclaimed for the magnificent work that you do.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Take life a little slower.  You are working yourself to the bone and with nothing to show for it.  The time has come to make a stand and demand the highest accolade for your past and present work.  You are worthy of far more, yet still remain in the pits of despair.  Take that leap of faith.  It is all out there if only you knew it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A whiff of fame, but not as you know it.  The powers that be have seen your diligent work and are in full admiration.  The time has come for you to do something more worthwhile and in keeping with your expertise and the numerous gifts you now possess.  It’s quite extraordinary that you have not been discovered before.  You won’t be surprise that you are now.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Make way for a new offer to be made to you.  The list that was not perfect did not allow for you to come to the top.  With the new version   you do and so can stand tall and be appreciated for who you are.  The change of circumstances will be seen by you as a gift from the Almighty and you won’t be far wrong.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Making ends meet is no longer necessary, as the new influx of revenue opens the way for more improved possibilities coming into your life.  The difficult times really are over for good.  The new path, which shows itself for you to enjoy and to excel in ways not thought possible before.  Be happy and excited and embrace all that comes to you.  You won’t be disappointed.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Monday, 1 October 2012

October 2012

23 Sep-22 Oct

To begin a new chapter in your life, one must learn to take what has happened to them in the past and start to apply that in today’s life.  To have a better way of living one must renounce the past and let go of all that has clogged up their lives, making them stuck in many ways.  All who read this will be able to relate.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Opportunities now fresh and secure are being offered to you.  There are no hidden agendas; all is above board and to your liking.  Consult a legal team to finalise the details and then the adventure can begin.  It’s a lifetime’s ambition and is not to be missed.  At last you come into your own and are able to excel in ways not thought possible before.

22 Nov-21 Dec

No more worries about money as a new important policy is given to you, which will alleviate all finance from now on – a better way to budget than ever before.  Start to feel a security that you have not felt in a very long time and begin to see that there are angels in your life, even if you think it is all nonsense.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A new system of working and providing for yourself will be given to you.  It will make you laugh and cry at the same time.  You didn’t think it was possible or could ever happen.  Taste the good life and see the benefits coming to you each day.  Gratitude is not necessary, living is.  It had to be this way as the benefits are much greater.

20 Jan-18 Feb

What was once a complex operation is now being partially freed up, so that you are able to make inroads where before it seemed impossible.  No need to push matters.  The situation will develop nicely by itself.  Calm down and get on with the important work you were always meant to do.  Interesting work and finance will be offered to you, so take up this opportunity.

19 Feb-20 Mar
To step off the edge into a cloud of wisdom and notoriety is what you have been trained for all this time.  Enjoy everything that is given to you.  It is well meant and will secure your future for life. To be seen as one who can command a position of excellence will seem natural to you.  Just be yourself and allow others to see that too.
21 Mar-19 Apr

Be still and see what is all around you.  You are so afraid of losing what you have it is making you nervous and uneasy.  The situation is now changing and what was a stranglehold is no more.  Rest easy and take in all the good things that are now on offer to you.  Remember to appreciate them as they are not given easily.

20 Apr-20 May

Monumental changes will see you upset and restless.  It’s a good thing, as it is the freeing up from the past, so that the new can come in.  A breath of fresh air, you can begin to see how it will all pan out in your favour and all will benefit under the new system.  It is needed to give you peace of mind you deserve.

21 May-20 Jun

Making a break of it, while you have the chance to do so, is a very good idea.  This opportunity will not be there in five months’ time, so there is no good moaning that you have let this situation go.  A firm grip of life to catapult you into the next venture is what is needed to reaffirm what is so necessary in your life.

21 Jun-22 Jul

To be at peace is to sort out what is so wrong with your life now.  Until you make the move to self-fulfilment nothing can be done to help you.  You have to start addressing your needs now and make the relative changes to accommodate these needs.  Spread you net further afield.  The pot of gold or satisfaction is there and not around the corner.

23 Jul-22 Aug

By being vocal you will not get the job done.  What needs to happen is a totally new outlook on life and to see where you are best placed.  That opening, which you thought was dead and buried, will be there for you.  Out of the blue a new more advanced proposition is placed before you.  It will help to change your life forever.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A waiting game seems to be the pattern that is going on in your life just now.  It is frustrating and necessary, as components need to be put into place first to effectively allow you to move on.  Once the green light has come in, which it will, then it will be all hands on deck to bring forth your hearts desires.  All is appreciated then.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Saturday, 1 September 2012

September 2012

23 Aug-22 Sep

The breakthrough of new beginnings to take you by storm, do not trust to luck to get you through all as luck is not appropriate.  It is your good management in all this, which will bring in the dividends you so richly deserve.  A new policy, which you have already been instrumental in dealing with, will yield high rewards so keep up the good work.

23 Sep-22 Oct

A wonderful little opportunity for personal advancement is well on the way.  You do not have to look at is with suspicion, as it is all above board and well justified at this time of your life.  Take it with the good measure.  It is given and see a blossoming friendship arise out of it.  Love really is in the air.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Allow yourself special dispensation to do exactly what you fancy can be achieved, provided you don’t hurt anybody. There is a light-hearted planetary aspect, which allows people to be frivolous for a few days with no adverse side-effects.  It is a fun time to be had, so you can splash out on a new outfit or something special and it won’t hurt the bank balance.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Time to get serious with your personal life and allow your emotions to get the better of you, as it is safe to do so, you need to think fully on romance and companionship, which will lift you from a position of doom to a position of strength.  You have an understanding of what it is you want and where you want to go with it.

22 Dec-19 Jan

To think big is now necessary, as it catapults you forwards to pastures new. A life changing event has all the right credentials to make life feel better in many ways.  Like a tidal wave, it rids all things that are not relevant and gives all that is good and clean.  Your life’s role is exciting and you will come to understand the message in the bottle.

20 Jan-18 Feb

To be open and frank with people around you is very important at this time.  There has been a rift within the structure of your life and it is time now that it was mended.  That heavy heart cannot go on for much longer, so see the opening arise whereby you can start to make that impact which at last can heal that rift.

19 Feb-20 Mar

To see yourself as others do is not always easy for you.  As you become more well-known, so you will see that people do mean what they say about you.  You have come to trust your instincts in the past, but nothing has prepared you for what is coming. Notoriety is being fostered on you, so allow yourself this special time.  It’s there for you to enjoy.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Life changing events to enhance your wellbeing and bring you a new start in life, what you have been doing is no longer relevant and you will need to let go for the new life to come forwards.  It will be a wrench, as you are not able to give up easily. The new opening is there for life and you will feel great once it takes hold.

20 Apr-20 May

A lift in the air will spark off a sense of freedom and wellbeing.  Feel the impetus around you to get up and going.  There is a deadline for matters to be sorted out, so you have no time to dither.  For changes to occur, one has to meet them half way and expect the best.  Go forwards with renewed confidence.  It is all meant.

21 May-20 Jun

However bad you may feel about matters, the worst is now over.  There will be a new happiness coming of which you were not able to see before. This will take you out of the drudge of life into the new industry you have been hoping for.  See many expansions of your work now coming into full fruition and the new policies can now be adopted.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Be very pleased with yourself that you finally made that move.  It has been a long time in coming and is well deserved.  You will be able to expand with your talents and become more confident as a result of it.   Never doubt your abilities to go far.  This new path is straight and true.  You will wonder why it took you so long to go.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The real test of endurance comes to you now.  See that new opening, which you had thought would never materialise, come your way out of the blue.  The new start you are destined to achieve has always been there for you, even though it has taken longer than normal to come in.  It embraces all your talents and more and its expectations of you are high. 

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

August 2012

23 Jul-22 Aug

The time to move on with your life is now, shifting sands all around you egging you on to pastures new.  A bold move on your part will see you sever all ties and start that new life with vigour.  Turning away from the past, embracing the new.  It has your best interests at heart as important challenges and offers are now placed at your feet.

23 Aug-22 Sep

 All around you is in chaos. You need to wade through what is important and what is no longer relevant to you.  Before you decide on a game plan, think carefully.  You cannot make the same mistake twice.  There needs to be new structure coming from the mayhem, so that you can untangle yourself from the past and press forwards before it is too late.

23 Sep-22 Oct

You are in a very fast mode of activity and commerce.  It is working far better than you thought even though you are feeling out of your depth.  Don’t despair as this will leave you and you will be able to press full steam ahead.  The road is not easy, but is uplifting and purposeful in its delivery.  You really can’t ask for more at this time.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Now you must press ahead as all lies in the balance for you.   Opportunities that were not there before are there now.  You must build on what will turn out to be a very challenging, but eventful life.  You have to take this chance while it is still there to take. A few more months will see this amazing opportunity vanish and the chance is lost.

22 Nov-21 Dec

See all around you fall to pieces.  It is the start of massive upheaval and uncertainty.  This planetary experience is so that you can emerge the victor over many problems, which have plagued you recently.  It is a time of rebuilding and of commitment on your part to see the job through and to experience a happening, which was not possible in your life before.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you begin to strengthen your resolve and work on automatic pilot, you will understand the implications to life and work.  It is now going forwards at a tumultuous pace and it is down to you to keep up.  There is no stopping this process or of it slowing down.  You are in the big league of events for all time and you are heading that team.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The passion to do a job of work that you have always wanted, but felt unable to do so, is now before you. Your belief system is working in overdrive and will enhance every part of your wellbeing, so take up this new and exciting offer and do not be afraid anymore to build up a future, which was denied you before.  It is meant.

19 Feb-20 Mar

New and important tasks are heading your way. You need to be at your best.  Decisions are upon you and there needs to be a confirmation that you wish to undertake such a career change. It will totally transform your life forever. It’s the most important decision you will ever make.  It needs careful thought once the options have been considered.  It will be easy for you to decide.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Every time there has been an impasse in your life, you have questioned its motive.  Now it comes around again and taken seriously makes a decision to start again.  The dragging down is the change of circumstances that won’t go away until you trust in its motive to bring a result, which was not there before.  The opening will force you to go ahead with renewed energy.

20 Apr-20 May

Late nights and overdoing it is taking its toll on you.  Be sensible and start to behave in a more responsible fashion, as there is much for you to do to keep on top of matters. This is not possible in your current form.  An experience, which will provide dividends, will come your way so you must be alert and active to these challenges.

21 May-20 Jun

A heartbroken situation, which you thought had righted itself, has now been demolished.  No time to keep going back over the past, but to forge ahead as circumstances begin to change without you realising it.  All was for the best reasons, even though you are not able to see it at the time.  New beginnings are better and you will come to understand that in time.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The need to move on is now, so don’t delay.  New jobs of excitement to wet your appetite are there for you.  You need to see that you are comfortable in your new employment, as it will hold many challenges for you and it will enhance your self-esteem.  The opening of some significance will present itself and that is the one for you to finally take.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Sunday, 1 July 2012

July 2012

21 Jun-22 Jul

Changes are colossal at this time with huge planetary aspects moving to change both business and emotional lives.  It comes in as a disruptive force to make you see where your lives are meant to be and to kick-start you into making those necessary decisions that you should have made ages ago. Ignoring these changes leaves your lives stagnant on so many fronts for years.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Your life moves you from your comfort zone to areas with great potential, especially where your creative forces now come into their own.  Your talents can no longer be ignored, as the forces are with you to enhance all that you do and say.  Feel mighty and begin to act like it.  Many will see a power within you that they were not able to see before.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Be pleased with what you have done with your life so far.  A sense now that you can and will go further is growing within you. The planetary forces will produce a new confidence, so that you can go that extra mile and make a name for yourself.  Do not ignore this precious time to make that necessary impact.  You owe it to yourself to do so.

23 Sep-22 Oct

One more step for mankind.  You are in a good mood to advance now in so many ways.  That reluctance that has been there for so long is now fading away, allowing you a greater impetus to change everything around you, which is worthless and to begin to start again.  This time the outlook is positive and wholesome.  You really cannot fail.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Take a grip of yourself, nothing is lost.  You only think it is.  Look carefully and see that a much better outcome is now presented to you with lasting effect.  This is the beginning of a massive turn around, where you come out on top and begin to see that all your hard work was worth the wait. The impossible does become the possible.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you begin to see those changes grow for you and your understanding of what is required has stood you in good stead, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you are being taken seriously and that your expertise is second to none.  The new beginnings of a greater strategy will be seen by so many and acknowledged for what you do best.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Time you stood up and took notice at how well you are doing and how great you truly are.  It is no accident that you are being seen in a new light and there is much satisfaction from those around you, who acknowledge your greatness.  Be happy.  Extend your own gratitude to those whose vested interest in you has never diminished.  Your time is now.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Be careful with your energy over these next two months. The time now for self-depletion is around you.  Be careful with yourself and never tax yourself more than you can allow.  A trying and testing time, so you must recognise where your strengths lie and where you have to take a back seat and let others take the lead.  This way you can overcome these immediate difficulties.

19 Feb-20 Mar

When you begin to feel great inside, so remarkable changes automatically manifest themselves – it has been a strange turning point in your life and the adjustments have needed to be made for you to step into the unknown and beyond.  It is not frightening it is challenging and very fruitful all the time.  You owe it to yourself to witness this new phenomenon and acknowledge its wisdom.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Be happy and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  What has seemed an impossible time has in fact been more fruitful than you realise, as many new and important aspects to your life have now emerged and taken root, which was not possible before.  Start to see a broader recovery than you expected and know you are on the right track.

20 Apr-20 May

Be patient.  You are already there.  The tide turning in your favour and you will be able to see significant differences taking place to rescue so many things for you, not only now but in the future as well.  New contacts will please you to make the necessary jump from one problem to a lifeline of much satisfaction.  See yourself happy and contented once again.

21 May-20 Jun

It’s time you moved on.  Dissatisfaction is all around you and will continue for years.  You are in a planetary void, which holds this position as you remain entrenched in this aspect.  A shift of energy to occur, which will benefit you when you start to look at life in a different way.  You hold the reins, so make that decision and release yourself from the status quo.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see