Saturday, 1 September 2012

September 2012

23 Aug-22 Sep

The breakthrough of new beginnings to take you by storm, do not trust to luck to get you through all as luck is not appropriate.  It is your good management in all this, which will bring in the dividends you so richly deserve.  A new policy, which you have already been instrumental in dealing with, will yield high rewards so keep up the good work.

23 Sep-22 Oct

A wonderful little opportunity for personal advancement is well on the way.  You do not have to look at is with suspicion, as it is all above board and well justified at this time of your life.  Take it with the good measure.  It is given and see a blossoming friendship arise out of it.  Love really is in the air.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Allow yourself special dispensation to do exactly what you fancy can be achieved, provided you don’t hurt anybody. There is a light-hearted planetary aspect, which allows people to be frivolous for a few days with no adverse side-effects.  It is a fun time to be had, so you can splash out on a new outfit or something special and it won’t hurt the bank balance.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Time to get serious with your personal life and allow your emotions to get the better of you, as it is safe to do so, you need to think fully on romance and companionship, which will lift you from a position of doom to a position of strength.  You have an understanding of what it is you want and where you want to go with it.

22 Dec-19 Jan

To think big is now necessary, as it catapults you forwards to pastures new. A life changing event has all the right credentials to make life feel better in many ways.  Like a tidal wave, it rids all things that are not relevant and gives all that is good and clean.  Your life’s role is exciting and you will come to understand the message in the bottle.

20 Jan-18 Feb

To be open and frank with people around you is very important at this time.  There has been a rift within the structure of your life and it is time now that it was mended.  That heavy heart cannot go on for much longer, so see the opening arise whereby you can start to make that impact which at last can heal that rift.

19 Feb-20 Mar

To see yourself as others do is not always easy for you.  As you become more well-known, so you will see that people do mean what they say about you.  You have come to trust your instincts in the past, but nothing has prepared you for what is coming. Notoriety is being fostered on you, so allow yourself this special time.  It’s there for you to enjoy.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Life changing events to enhance your wellbeing and bring you a new start in life, what you have been doing is no longer relevant and you will need to let go for the new life to come forwards.  It will be a wrench, as you are not able to give up easily. The new opening is there for life and you will feel great once it takes hold.

20 Apr-20 May

A lift in the air will spark off a sense of freedom and wellbeing.  Feel the impetus around you to get up and going.  There is a deadline for matters to be sorted out, so you have no time to dither.  For changes to occur, one has to meet them half way and expect the best.  Go forwards with renewed confidence.  It is all meant.

21 May-20 Jun

However bad you may feel about matters, the worst is now over.  There will be a new happiness coming of which you were not able to see before. This will take you out of the drudge of life into the new industry you have been hoping for.  See many expansions of your work now coming into full fruition and the new policies can now be adopted.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Be very pleased with yourself that you finally made that move.  It has been a long time in coming and is well deserved.  You will be able to expand with your talents and become more confident as a result of it.   Never doubt your abilities to go far.  This new path is straight and true.  You will wonder why it took you so long to go.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The real test of endurance comes to you now.  See that new opening, which you had thought would never materialise, come your way out of the blue.  The new start you are destined to achieve has always been there for you, even though it has taken longer than normal to come in.  It embraces all your talents and more and its expectations of you are high. 

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