Monday, 1 October 2012

October 2012

23 Sep-22 Oct

To begin a new chapter in your life, one must learn to take what has happened to them in the past and start to apply that in today’s life.  To have a better way of living one must renounce the past and let go of all that has clogged up their lives, making them stuck in many ways.  All who read this will be able to relate.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Opportunities now fresh and secure are being offered to you.  There are no hidden agendas; all is above board and to your liking.  Consult a legal team to finalise the details and then the adventure can begin.  It’s a lifetime’s ambition and is not to be missed.  At last you come into your own and are able to excel in ways not thought possible before.

22 Nov-21 Dec

No more worries about money as a new important policy is given to you, which will alleviate all finance from now on – a better way to budget than ever before.  Start to feel a security that you have not felt in a very long time and begin to see that there are angels in your life, even if you think it is all nonsense.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A new system of working and providing for yourself will be given to you.  It will make you laugh and cry at the same time.  You didn’t think it was possible or could ever happen.  Taste the good life and see the benefits coming to you each day.  Gratitude is not necessary, living is.  It had to be this way as the benefits are much greater.

20 Jan-18 Feb

What was once a complex operation is now being partially freed up, so that you are able to make inroads where before it seemed impossible.  No need to push matters.  The situation will develop nicely by itself.  Calm down and get on with the important work you were always meant to do.  Interesting work and finance will be offered to you, so take up this opportunity.

19 Feb-20 Mar
To step off the edge into a cloud of wisdom and notoriety is what you have been trained for all this time.  Enjoy everything that is given to you.  It is well meant and will secure your future for life. To be seen as one who can command a position of excellence will seem natural to you.  Just be yourself and allow others to see that too.
21 Mar-19 Apr

Be still and see what is all around you.  You are so afraid of losing what you have it is making you nervous and uneasy.  The situation is now changing and what was a stranglehold is no more.  Rest easy and take in all the good things that are now on offer to you.  Remember to appreciate them as they are not given easily.

20 Apr-20 May

Monumental changes will see you upset and restless.  It’s a good thing, as it is the freeing up from the past, so that the new can come in.  A breath of fresh air, you can begin to see how it will all pan out in your favour and all will benefit under the new system.  It is needed to give you peace of mind you deserve.

21 May-20 Jun

Making a break of it, while you have the chance to do so, is a very good idea.  This opportunity will not be there in five months’ time, so there is no good moaning that you have let this situation go.  A firm grip of life to catapult you into the next venture is what is needed to reaffirm what is so necessary in your life.

21 Jun-22 Jul

To be at peace is to sort out what is so wrong with your life now.  Until you make the move to self-fulfilment nothing can be done to help you.  You have to start addressing your needs now and make the relative changes to accommodate these needs.  Spread you net further afield.  The pot of gold or satisfaction is there and not around the corner.

23 Jul-22 Aug

By being vocal you will not get the job done.  What needs to happen is a totally new outlook on life and to see where you are best placed.  That opening, which you thought was dead and buried, will be there for you.  Out of the blue a new more advanced proposition is placed before you.  It will help to change your life forever.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A waiting game seems to be the pattern that is going on in your life just now.  It is frustrating and necessary, as components need to be put into place first to effectively allow you to move on.  Once the green light has come in, which it will, then it will be all hands on deck to bring forth your hearts desires.  All is appreciated then.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see