Sunday, 1 December 2013

December 2013


22 Nov-21 Dec

The message is clear and concise, keep going. Do not stop what you are doing and see success coming your way.  It has been a bit of a struggle lately and so the impetus is to hold back and regroup your strategy.  That is not the way.  Allow yourself a small breathing space, otherwise keep on going.  The light really is at the end of this tunnel.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Evidence that you are on the right track will hit you hard.  The vantage point from where you stand has been clouded in uncertainty, but no more, as the bright light of assurance surrounds you. Patience is no longer required, swift decisive action is.  Enjoy the ride.  You will love it as it transforms your life from the mundane to the excitement it was always forecasted to be.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t feel so troubled, as the disappointment of past contracts not going right is a matter you need to discuss with your own thinking.  We cannot expect to get all things right all the time. Therefore you need to contact those who are in a strong position to give you that right advice to get these many matters sorted out, which can finally be achieved.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The miracles that you have been seeking are being presented to you.  I appreciate you cannot believe it, but it is there for all the world to see.   The happiness on your face is to show fully that you have arrived and will see you in great demand the world over. This is no longer a pipedream, but a reality that everyone can witness.  It really is your time now.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Patience is not your strong point and so it must be learnt to obtain the high forms of accolade you seek.  The time is not right for you to go wayward on many things.  It’s time that you see the truth to what you are not ready to do.  Opportunities come in when the mind-set adjusts to the reality of life.  Then major advances can be made.

20 Apr-20 May

Interesting times are all around you, as you thrust forward into the unknown.  It is high time you trusted in your instincts and broke away from the past and start to strive into the future.  There is no time to waste.  You have had enough of that.  The future is there for you. It is all a matter of application and trust from here on in.

21 May-20 Jun

The tragedy for you is that you do not trust. That’s why you keep coming up with obstacles and have no idea how to combat them.  Seek the right advice and stop worrying nothing can be accomplished.  The old ground still holds you and you can’t see over the hill.  The clouds are fading.  The new path opens up where before you did not know there was one.

21 Jun-22 Jul

To move on is never easy, but the conditions for you to do so are right.  Important decisions on your part need to be addressed and all the right ingredients for your move to success are before you.  Take this opportunity and a deep breath and don’t hesitate to be the purveyor of your convictions.  Nothing can be achieved where the heart is not fully in it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Begin to believe in yourself more.  It has been a hard few months with a lot to put up with.  The road is clear to make important decisions in your life, where a fast track programme can be obtained.  Introductions you did not think possible are in your sphere and so it’s important that all hands are on deck to meet the next demands of your career.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Climbing the walls will do you no good at all.  The message is simple, go at situations in a moderate way and begin to see fantastic results coming your way.  It has been an ordeal, but the path to enlightenment has been given to you to take the hard work out of living and bringing you onto a path which will benefit you and the family.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The new life is for living and it brings a smile to your face, which has not been there in a long time.  You have stuck to the situation and have shown remarkable courage and conviction.  The gifts being presented to you, are life changing and necessary for your continued growth.  You will be able to reap more than you have sown and value the intelligence behind it.

23 Oct-21 Nov

When one feels as lost as you do, it is hard to see what anybody can do to help secure a future, which appears so untenable.  This is where the circumstances begin to change and out of the dark hole, new light is shone and a new beginning can be obtained.  It is within your power to do so and where you will find help along the way.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see


November 2013

22 Nov-21 Dec

The message is clear and concise, keep going. Do not stop what you are doing and see success coming your way.  It has been a bit of a struggle lately and so the impetus is to hold back and regroup your strategy.  That is not the way.  Allow yourself a small breathing space, otherwise keep on going.  The light really is at the end of this tunnel.
22 Dec-19 Jan

Evidence that you are on the right track will hit you hard.  The vantage point from where you stand has been clouded in uncertainty, but no more, as the bright light of assurance surrounds you. Patience is no longer required, swift decisive action is.  Enjoy the ride.  You will love it as it transforms your life from the mundane to the excitement it was always forecasted to be.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t feel so troubled, as the disappointment of past contracts not going right is a matter you need to discuss with your own thinking.  We cannot expect to get all things right all the time. Therefore you need to contact those who are in a strong position to give you that right advice to get these many matters sorted out, which can finally be achieved.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The miracles that you have been seeking are being presented to you.  I appreciate you cannot believe it, but it is there for all the world to see.   The happiness on your face is to show fully that you have arrived and will see you in great demand the world over. This is no longer a pipedream, but a reality that everyone can witness.  It really is your time now.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Patience is not your strong point and so it must be learnt to obtain the high forms of accolade you seek.  The time is not right for you to go wayward on many things.  It’s time that you see the truth to what you are not ready to do.  Opportunities come in when the mind-set adjusts to the reality of life.  Then major advances can be made.

20 Apr-20 May
Interesting times are all around you, as you thrust forward into the unknown.  It is high time you trusted in your instincts and broke away from the past and start to strive into the future.  There is no time to waste.  You have had enough of that.  The future is there for you. It is all a matter of application and trust from here on in.

21 May-20 Jun

The tragedy for you is that you do not trust. That’s why you keep coming up with obstacles and have no idea how to combat them.  Seek the right advice and stop worrying nothing can be accomplished.  The old ground still holds you and you can’t see over the hill.  The clouds are fading.  The new path opens up where before you did not know there was one.

21 Jun-22 Jul
To move on is never easy, but the conditions for you to do so are right.  Important decisions on your part need to be addressed and all the right ingredients for your move to success are before you.  Take this opportunity and a deep breath and don’t hesitate to be the purveyor of your convictions.  Nothing can be achieved where the heart is not fully in it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Begin to believe in yourself more.  It has been a hard few months with a lot to put up with.  The road is clear to make important decisions in your life, where a fast track programme can be obtained.  Introductions you did not think possible are in your sphere and so it’s important that all hands are on deck to meet the next demands of your career.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Climbing the walls will do you no good at all.  The message is simple, go at situations in a moderate way and begin to see fantastic results coming your way.  It has been an ordeal, but the path to enlightenment has been given to you to take the hard work out of living and bringing you onto a path which will benefit you and the family.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The new life is for living and it brings a smile to your face, which has not been there in a long time.  You have stuck to the situation and have shown remarkable courage and conviction.  The gifts being presented to you, are life changing and necessary for your continued growth.  You will be able to reap more than you have sown and value the intelligence behind it.

23 Oct-21 Nov

When one feels as lost as you do, it is hard to see what anybody can do to help secure a future, which appears so untenable.  This is where the circumstances begin to change and out of the dark hole, new light is shone and a new beginning can be obtained.  It is within your power to do so and where you will find help along the way.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

October 2013

23 Sep-22 Oct

This is a pick yourself up and brush yourself down time.  It really is to allow you to move on with your life in a more robust manner. You have been too complacent for too long and there is no more time to waste, as the beginning of new involved opportunities present themselves. You must be ready to meet them half way at least.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you begin to climb back from the brink of destruction, you thought you would never get there and the worries have been colossal to say the least. A new impetus to get you going is vital for your survival and important events will be in your favour. Take this opportunity to bring yourself up to scratch on all your outstanding work. You haven’t a moment to lose.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Be no longer afraid of past events. They can’t harm you. It was necessary for you to go through them and you can commit to a new strategy. See the bigger picture and where your policies fit in and take hold, which was not possible before. All is swift acting and swift recovery on so many fronts, all to give you the pleasure and desire to carry on.

22 Dec-19 Jan

See the long awaited breakthrough. There will be no doubt in your mind. You have instigated this course by your will and determination. Be pleased see yourself as centre stage and where your impact upon Mankind is justifiable for all to see. Knowledge, which grows steadily, will see you master of your own destiny and where in your own heart you know it to be true.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As many things come crashing down, you need to back track and see where you have gone wrong. It is not the time to apportion blame, but to deal with the matters in hand and swiftly to avoid other problems and delays. You are not able to fathom out where you went wrong. Open up your mind to a Higher Power to help you on your way.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Be mindful as more exclusive work comes in, which will stretch you both mentally and physically. You will be given the necessary instruction and energy to do this most uplifting work and to start to see yourself in ways not thought possible before. This is all about cementing a greater platform of work, which will see you in further demand from all corners of the earth.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As the uphill struggle begins to bite further and where you thought there was hope, now find there is none. Do not feel disheartened, as it is now your time to call the shots on other avenues, which were not sorted out before, but need to be dealt with in order for you to survive on many fronts. You are not out of the woods yet.

20 Apr-20 May

As you begin to take on the opportunities that come to you, you will notice a number of surprises, which are all to your liking and where you are able to further finance yourself towards other causes, which were not possible before. You will feel more uplifted and more practical to be able to deal with situations head on and feel right about it.

21 May-20 Jun

Floating down the river without a paddle is not your idea of fun. You need to know the direction that you are heading and to bring a halt to much insecurity that plagues your mind. You feel both sad and dumped in so many ways and it is difficult for you to readjust in the right way, as you cannot see the correct salvation, which approaches you now.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Be pleased, as events start to change for you at an alarming rate and where you will need to get your skates on just to keep up. All that has been promised and more besides is on its way and you can feel a sense of pride, as much reassurance for your gifts is now being brought back to you. New work and much excitement await you.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never be afraid of your own convictions and to believe you have a gift that others don’t have. As changes come to you, you will need to see your place in society as different and where you felt you were somebody, now you can feel that impetus rising. There is still a way to go. You are equipped to take on these decisions, which are right for you.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Look after yourself more. You need to remain healthy, as a change of direction is needed for you and you must act smartly. There will not be any second thoughts, as decisions will be needed almost immediately.  See a trip abroad as being both fulfilling and necessary. It is the start of something big and is life changing. New opportunities to excel in ways not thought possible before.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Sunday, 1 September 2013

September 2013

23 Aug-22 Sep

A brightness and a vigour you have not thought possible is there for you.  You are entering another exciting phase in your life, where challenges are of paramount importance to your wellbeing and must be taken up to obtain full benefit.  A new contract of employment, which will see you fast tracked to do other things – don’t delay, the opportunity has a short window only.

23 Sep-22 Oct

With much going on in the romantic aspects of your life, you are feeling like the cat has got the cream and why not.  You deserve all good and wonderful things coming to you.  The planets are in alignment to allow for all these motions to happen.  A strong offering of commitment will come to you and there need not be any hesitation on your part to accept.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Be calm and remain still.  Know that you are safe always business wise.  What has come to pass was not of your choosing or your fault, but unfortunate circumstances had invoked a deal which should have come to you, but was turned away at the last minute.  There will be another deal more in keeping with what you have to offer, which will save the day.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As monumental pressure begins to hit you hard, you are in no position to object.  All has culminated out of a period of mistrust and bad management.  A clean slate needs to be obtained by you and others to relieve yourselves of this burden, which is unacceptable in today’s climate.  Break away from tradition and begin a new and different phase, which is recognised and accepted by all.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Look now to your increasing talents and wise words and perception.  Your strong gifts will be required at the appointed time, where you will be asked to deliver and without hesitation.  Words of wisdom are needed to facilitate a cause, which is now out of control and is in need of a master stroke of genius to alleviate all suffering.  Being a part of a powerful team of operatives is required.

20 Jan-18 Feb

When you go too far then damage is done and another bail out is required for you and others to pull through this ordeal.  It is on a knife edge and no amount of bargaining will be able to relieve the problems that you are now in.  Sense another way out that must be considered in order to return balance, where at this time there is none.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you wait for the appointed time of full rise to your status, then all will have to entertain you in ways you never thought possible before.  It is customary to appease these people, who have in the past even done you harm, to show there are no hard feelings.  You rise steadily above them for all time.  A new commission of authority and expertise awaits you now!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Feeling sad and forlorn is not needed.  It is better to have achieved something than nothing at all.  Start to see the bigger picture, not from your perspective any longer but from a world that is now out of step with you.  Remember what you once were and could have done far more, but ego was the greater character and so your downfall is by your own will.

20 Apr-20 May

Time is now necessary to begin again and to start to see the world with fresh ideas and a fresh mind.  For too long you have remained entrenched by what the world has had to offer you and not looked at your own talents, which are more far-reaching and can offer a greater scope for management and working.  Start to think big and to readjust your life.

21 May-20 Jun

No more time to look over your shoulder and think what if?  The time has fully run out and a new way of life beckons you.  The luxury of good living has eluded you for so long and a rebalance is required to bring in all your needs almost at once.  You have deserved it in your own way and so must allow for it to happen.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being successful is not always what it is cracked up to be.  Your time will come soon enough, where you will be fully recognised for all your talents and nobody will be in any doubt of them, least of all you.   All exams will be accomplished in your own time and with a result that is not only pleasing, but equally satisfying to you.

23 Jul-22 Aug

It is high time that you are noticed for your talents and expertise.  What has been holding you back are the planetary changes, which have not yet been in your favour.  As a new genius type of work is released by you, you will be able to start to see your own rise from nothing to somebody in a short time indeed.  A new trend is coming.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Thursday, 1 August 2013

August 2013

23 Jul-22 Aug

The time is right for taking certain decisions in your life, which will have far-reaching consequences. You have been looking for a get-out clause for some time and nothing has really presented itself with any positive outcomes. It is left for you to make the initiative and forge your own destiny. There will come a spark of enlightenment and then you act with no regrets.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you continue to ponder on your future and future opportunities, it is worth bearing in mind that not all security is founded on monetary aspects. Health and peace of mind also contributes to this situation that must be born in mind when looking at prospective job moves. Learn to look at the bigger picture and then the solution will be able to present itself.

23 Sep-22 Oct

It really is now or never. You cannot continue to control the situation around you any longer. This time is where you need to simply let go and allow the powers that be to make necessary inroads that are so needed for you to survive. The stranglehold on your life must be released, so that you are able to survive in a better more fulfilling way.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Learn to be more patient with yourself as it is a hard task that you continue to live by. If you continue to put yourself through too many hoops you will surely pay the price health-wise. Sanity is what this is all about and you must remain calm through the storm that you are presently going through. Learn to adjust your working plan.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As a new position presents itself, you are guaranteed a new way of developing a different lifestyle to what you have been doing. Not everything is rosy as you will soon find out, but it is necessary for your growth and for future opportunities to follow. This time around you will be able to make the right choices and there won’t be any regrets.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Stop fighting self-doubts. It’s not the strategy as the future is positive in all ways. As you become acclimatised to your new position and status in life, you will see how it was formulated with you in mind. Justification for this process will be shown to you, so you can ponder on the genius behind the events. Being popular is necessary and vital for the entire procedure.

20 Jan-18 Feb

You cannot look at life with deep emotions of regret. It’s now that new policies are being implemented for you to take a positive stance and bring back order to a disorganised life. You owe it to yourself to go down this road to avoid the heartache that you have encountered before. Be realistic and true to yourself to forge open the biggest opportunity of your life.

19 Feb-20 Mar

To see yourself as great is not enough, you have to believe it with your very soul. The very important work now on offer to you will see you stand apart from the rest in order for there to be respect and appreciation of what is to come in your life from now on. Accept the accolades with the important division of work that comes to you.

21 Mar-19 Apr

A very important decision will be made whereby you will feel out of your depth. It is necessary that you go down this path, so that you are able to restore your confidence in your life. No longer can you rely on others to bail you out. This is where you must stand on your own two feet and finally achieve in ways not though possible before.

20 Apr-20 May

A make or break situation will see you feeling more secure than at any time in your life. It will revolutionise the way that you think from now on and allow you to take on the giants of industry, which are all encompassing, but right for you at this time. See events unfold where your decisions to stay on top will reap the rewards that you seek.

21 May-20 Jun

As you face this final hurdle and deliver what for you has been a lifetime’s project, it has to see the light of day and will be recognised as a fine piece of work. The world can learn from this, but you also must have faith in its design. Nothing is by accident, but by design. The opportunity for that door opening will be plane to see.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Coming up against hardship is nothing new for you. This time you have managed to conquer your fears and allowed your own justification of what is right now to rule your head. The opportunities that are yours by right are still there for the taking and, if you are wise now, you will at last go down this path of much opportunity and happiness.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Monday, 1 July 2013

July 2013

21 Jun-22 Jul

Great days ahead as you steer yourself forward into a new and exciting life.  You have waited a long time for this and now all doors are open for you to make that grand entrance at last.  Be positive, as all good things now make their way to you.  You have worked hard for this moment and should relish every minute of it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

There are opportunities out there, which have been obliterated from your sight, because the timing was not ready for you to make that drastic move.  It is high time you believed in your talents and exposed yourself onto the world stage as never before.  Trust in your abilities to show all those who have a vested interest in you that you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Be the open person you have always wanted to be.  Don’t allow for others to dictate policy to bring you down.  This is your chance to rule and to change your life as never before.  Make that difference to all those who hold you dear in their hearts.  You are the sole reason for being here and don’t let others in who seek to control your destiny.

23 Sep-22 Oct

This is a special time for you and now that you are revved up to take up the challenge, do so.  It is high time that you make the necessary changes to enhance your life.  It is no longer a question of challenging authority, it is all about whom you are and that you do have justice on your side no matter what others see or dictate.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Now that the avenues of destruction have blown their course away, you emerge the victor and well done to all that you have gone through.  Take this opportunity to take stock of what is actually important and step off now into the new life of productivity and success.  A new exciting advancement will present itself and bring to you the necessary fortune you have been seeking. 

22 Nov-21 Dec

Making peace with yourself is never easy.  You cannot blame yourself forever and now the time to readjust and reorganise your life is upon you.  Seek to better what is now there before you and take this time to reflect on a better purpose of which you so richly deserve.  A much higher calling is waiting for you and where you can at last be truly happy.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The time is right for these big changes to occur.  Your role is to stand and watch as events open up for you and deliver on a plate all that has been promised without any effort on your part to influence or to distract its coming.  The mighty force is around you and delivers what seemed an impossible task, but becomes the reality for all to see.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you make huge preparations now to enhance your life in ways not thought possible before, you enter into unchartered territory and where only your guiding light can maintain this course of action for you.  It is high time you showed the world what you are made of and where you will be taken seriously.  Remarkable times for you and others who walk this path with you.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Be bold in your thinking and bring that ray of sunshine to so many who once trusted in you and then doubted your ability to produce the ultimate product.  They are the ones whose faith has been lost.  You, now brave and optimistic, bring in the promised future and fulfil what has always been your destiny.  They will admire you and hold you up as never before. 

21 Mar-19 Apr

Be assertive, remain calm and positive.  This is no time to become weak willed.  Learn from what once was and begin anew.  It’s high time you learnt to seek another profession and bring in the necessary changes to enhance your life, not damage it anymore.  A new offering is being given to you.  I would accept it if I were you, as it might never be offered again.

20 Apr-20 May

The pleasure of long term accomplishment is a desire not many are blessed with.  It’s the culmination of a lifetime’s work and attitude.  Be very pleased with yourself, as it really couldn’t have come in at a better time.  Begin to see your way clear to bring in the necessary revenue that has eluded you.  Now the breakthrough can do wonders for self-esteem and morale.

21 May-20 Jun

As you continue to ponder your future and it still remains bleak and uncertain, look to see just how far you have come.  The necessary breakthrough had not been overlooked, but remains intact and positive for all time.  It is now down to you to bring in that positive outlook to further cement the growing impetus to turn that corner and make it all work out.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see