Wednesday, 1 May 2013

May 2013

20 Apr-20 May

A new approach to life and to living will bring in fresh ideas for expansion in your life. There will be a turning over of a new leaf and what you once thought of as impossible will develop into something new and exciting.  A breath of fresh air you are now able to get going and fast. See your potential and learn to trust in your worth.

21 May-20 Jun

A major turnaround of events will see your head in a spin of activity. You will be up against the clock. There is no time to wonder when only action will do.  It will be a major feather in your cap and a realisation that you have finally made it against all the odds as you see it. Let the past be, embrace the future now!

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you begin to push forwards into a place you know not where, there will be signs that you need to go and launch your own career, instead of leaving it to those who don’t know any better. Important help is at hand and will boost your confidence, so that you can make that next step into the unknown and begin to thrive at long last.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A generous offer of help commercially will see you set up with a new project, which will not only satisfy you but others around you.  It is high time that you realised your skills to their full potential. As you start to believe in your own ideas and therefore can flourish alone if necessary, then you can command a better outcome and salary for your work.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now the time has come for you to part company with another and to see your life open up in ways not thought possible before. There are many interesting pluses, which had not entered your mind before, simply because you did not wish to see them. Now the veil of uncertainty has been lifted and you can see a future, which was not there before. 

23 Sep-22 Oct

New things need not always come to an end. There has to be a breathing space here for new foundations to be laid. This has not happened, but is necessary.  Heave a sigh of relief and know it couldn’t have happened any other way. It’s for your benefit and for another that a solid beginning is displayed. All will rejoice that the outcome is glorious and sustaining.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The trick is to keep it simple and not to overload a contract with too many impossibles that would make a person’s life intolerable. A new contract given to you to take up and it will be recognised.  You really need to excel now in many ways and be true to your own belief that you are fully capable of meeting like with like and being noticed.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you now have a spring in your step and are ready to enjoy the joys of spring, you can at last count your blessings, as so many good things have finally come your way.  Realise that the sacrifice was worth all the hard work, for now the recognition truly comes to you and you really will be flavour of the month. All will admire you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Many new and important things are coming your way where immediate decisions must be given. It’s what you have always wanted and dreamed about, so the decisions should not take too long in the thinking.  Major opportunities, of which you are only half aware of so far, will be shown to you and in some instances take your breath away. Know you are on the world stage.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you are launched into that new career, you will be able to look back and know it was worth it inspite of the pain and suffering.  That now has gone for good.  Being recognised for the enormous talents that you have and know that nobody can touch you again.  Your new path is exciting and worthwhile and gives you permanent stability that was not there before.

19 Feb-20 Mar

It will be brought to your attention that you are now somebody who has charisma and charm, but equally a wisdom seldom found in an individual. Know that you are rising now at a phenomenal rate and really are unstoppable as far as society and work are concerned. The new path will see you famous for what you do and also hold full respect in many ways.

21 Mar-19 Apr

All appears lost to you, take note you are given a second chance to excel provided you take the advice. Ignore it and you will have to pay the consequences of your actions. There needs to be a massive shift in your mind to bring about opportunities and where new skills can come forward giving you a lease of life not though possible in a long time.

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