Saturday, 1 June 2013

June 2013

21 May-20 Jun

New breaking through opportunities are well under way, which will allow for more peace of mind and more controlling factors to be delivered in your life now.  The turning point for good events will be able to burst through as never before.  Start to make exciting plans for a move and allow yourself time to know you will be well cared for always.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As new bargains come into your life to begin again and where circumstances were not favourable before are now given back, it is time to act and cash in and fully benefit from those bargains once again.  Try to deal with these positive situations, as they can only come in when planetary vibrations allow and, when time passes, a vacuum occurs and you will miss the boat.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A hard week ahead, where everything appears to be going away from you and your voice has not been heard.  See the other side of things and begin to realise that not all can be your way.  There is another way to look at matters and much can be learned and gained, a better system and a closer bond can come about, which before was not possible.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now as you move from one environment towards another, a brighter more uplifting approach to life is given to you.  Start to see and believe what you are made of and what is now more important to your life to allow for these changes to occur.  Feel the shift in mind-set and where before you felt stuck, now that no longer is the case.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Be happy where you are at present and be grateful for many things you now have.  This expanse of life and of wellbeing is coming to you at a time when you need it most.  A complete turnaround of your life has made matters easier for you to comprehend and to be more satisfied then at any other time.  Things only get better from here on.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Allow yourself some leniency.  You have been working overly hard at present and you feel undermined at times.  The movement of the planets will allow for a necessary respite to allow you to see yourself as different and to give yourself a pat on the back for all your remarkable achievements to date.  You will be thanked and appreciated far more as you deserve it fully.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Now the drudge ends and the new light hearted work begins.  It is long overdue, but very exciting as you have longed for change and that is exactly what is now happening.  Make the necessary preparations for the expansion of your business knowing your competitive skills will never let you down.  There will be a partnership in time whereby a solid amount of funds will be forthcoming.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you come into your own and finally are able to stand on your own two feet, much advance with your skills is shown to you.  Never will you feel so proud of yourself as you are now.  See a pattern of growth with every passing day, as offers out of the blue are given to you to help your life in ways not thought possible before.

20 Jan-18 Feb

A greater variation of work and self-esteem comes to you now.  Do not dismiss it as all becomes important and requires your own careful handling of these situations.  None can touch your excellence and expertise and so your web is thrown wider and the accolades will follow suit.  Nothing is difficult or out of your reach.  All is important to make your mark at this time.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Take stock now of what is important as you start your next phase of activity with breath-taking results.  You have worked diligently for this opportunity and there are no strings attached.  The full realisation that you must perform these tasks to take you onto the next level of expertise – all expect a high standard, so they can depend on your right to give at the appointed time.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Many problems seem to be overpowering you at this time.  Try to weather the storm and begin to see a fresh start opening out for you.  There will need to be changes around your life to be able to accommodate these new activities, which will see you smiling once again.  All that you felt was lost is returned to you in ways not thought possible before.

20 Apr-20 May

An easy time is now given, so that you can finally consolidate all your hard work and dedication to detail that has taken you beyond your usual working pattern.  It allows you much growth and a greater understanding of what you are capable of and what is expected of you from now on.  It’s a question of realising your strengths, from which you can now flourish.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see