Monday, 1 July 2013

July 2013

21 Jun-22 Jul

Great days ahead as you steer yourself forward into a new and exciting life.  You have waited a long time for this and now all doors are open for you to make that grand entrance at last.  Be positive, as all good things now make their way to you.  You have worked hard for this moment and should relish every minute of it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

There are opportunities out there, which have been obliterated from your sight, because the timing was not ready for you to make that drastic move.  It is high time you believed in your talents and exposed yourself onto the world stage as never before.  Trust in your abilities to show all those who have a vested interest in you that you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Be the open person you have always wanted to be.  Don’t allow for others to dictate policy to bring you down.  This is your chance to rule and to change your life as never before.  Make that difference to all those who hold you dear in their hearts.  You are the sole reason for being here and don’t let others in who seek to control your destiny.

23 Sep-22 Oct

This is a special time for you and now that you are revved up to take up the challenge, do so.  It is high time that you make the necessary changes to enhance your life.  It is no longer a question of challenging authority, it is all about whom you are and that you do have justice on your side no matter what others see or dictate.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Now that the avenues of destruction have blown their course away, you emerge the victor and well done to all that you have gone through.  Take this opportunity to take stock of what is actually important and step off now into the new life of productivity and success.  A new exciting advancement will present itself and bring to you the necessary fortune you have been seeking. 

22 Nov-21 Dec

Making peace with yourself is never easy.  You cannot blame yourself forever and now the time to readjust and reorganise your life is upon you.  Seek to better what is now there before you and take this time to reflect on a better purpose of which you so richly deserve.  A much higher calling is waiting for you and where you can at last be truly happy.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The time is right for these big changes to occur.  Your role is to stand and watch as events open up for you and deliver on a plate all that has been promised without any effort on your part to influence or to distract its coming.  The mighty force is around you and delivers what seemed an impossible task, but becomes the reality for all to see.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you make huge preparations now to enhance your life in ways not thought possible before, you enter into unchartered territory and where only your guiding light can maintain this course of action for you.  It is high time you showed the world what you are made of and where you will be taken seriously.  Remarkable times for you and others who walk this path with you.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Be bold in your thinking and bring that ray of sunshine to so many who once trusted in you and then doubted your ability to produce the ultimate product.  They are the ones whose faith has been lost.  You, now brave and optimistic, bring in the promised future and fulfil what has always been your destiny.  They will admire you and hold you up as never before. 

21 Mar-19 Apr

Be assertive, remain calm and positive.  This is no time to become weak willed.  Learn from what once was and begin anew.  It’s high time you learnt to seek another profession and bring in the necessary changes to enhance your life, not damage it anymore.  A new offering is being given to you.  I would accept it if I were you, as it might never be offered again.

20 Apr-20 May

The pleasure of long term accomplishment is a desire not many are blessed with.  It’s the culmination of a lifetime’s work and attitude.  Be very pleased with yourself, as it really couldn’t have come in at a better time.  Begin to see your way clear to bring in the necessary revenue that has eluded you.  Now the breakthrough can do wonders for self-esteem and morale.

21 May-20 Jun

As you continue to ponder your future and it still remains bleak and uncertain, look to see just how far you have come.  The necessary breakthrough had not been overlooked, but remains intact and positive for all time.  It is now down to you to bring in that positive outlook to further cement the growing impetus to turn that corner and make it all work out.

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