Monday, 1 December 2014

December 2014

22 Nov-21 Dec

The quick answer to health and happiness lies within your own security and it is this that must be pursued at all time. The breakthrough for this to happen is within your reach at this time and must be taken up at the earliest opportunity with no questions being asked. You owe it to yourself to become mistress/ master of your own destiny, which is now!

22 Dec-19 Jan

The long term breakthrough, which you have been waiting for is fast approaching and where you will see your own salvation as others must do also. It is your right to have and will be the jewel in your crown for all time. Never underestimate your gifts and talents to turn matters around in your favour and this opportunity will allow for these gifts to transpire.

20 Jan-18 Feb

New revelations make the impossible happen, you will be relieved and satisfied regarding this long drawn out phase you are in.  You are not quite out of the woods yet, but almost, so it is with perseverance to the bitter end, which is where your salvation will transpire. The fight will ease up, as new important crucial evidence will allow for another kind of approach making you victorious.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Your life won’t be the same in a couple of months’ time. The important but radical shift to your circumstances will arise.  Fondest memories of safety and salvation are given to you and where you will no longer have a care in the world, but will be praised to the heavens above for your enduring courage and conviction. You can afford to smile, all is uplifting and purposefully given.

21 Mar-19 Apr
What has seemed an appalling year for you will now be allowed to level out, making you feel more secure and loved than you have felt in a very long time. Your role in society must change if you are to feel respected again. It is no longer a take it or leave it situation, but one of fundamental importance to your wellbeing and security.

20 Apr-20 May

The road you have chosen in steep. It is high time you realised that this is not the path for you. A new direction to get you out of this mess is given. Take this important way out and see your situation change for the better almost immediately. This cold calculated approach you have been working is not conducive to win over friends and family and must be changed if you want happiness.

21 May-20 Jun

As your undecided mind is forced upon you, you will relish the idea it was not your decision to make. The way is clear to make your entrance and to believe in a Higher Intelligence over you to save the day. The time has come for you to admit you were wrong and you need to concede to ease your troubled mind. Believe in the salvation that has saved you.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The next decisions you make in your life will be the most crucial and exciting. Nothing is by chance. All is by Grand Design for your benefit and success. See the important cogs working on your behalf and all you need to now do is to trust in your own ability to prove your worth. You are a genius and don’t be surprised as important revelations begin to come to fruition.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The time has come to fully branch out on your own and to accept the important challenges, which are set before you. You won’t be disappointed, as the road is not a long and arduous one, but one filled with wonderment and surprises you never thought possible before. All is life changing and with your exemplary work and commitment the world becomes your oyster at long last.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Never underestimate your talents to achieve. You have been out in the wilderness for long enough and now the situation of all change is being offered to you. It is vital that you take up this golden opportunity and be able to release the past for all time. Your talents will be exposed to the world and where at last you are able to accept long term recognition for your work.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Believing in your talents is no longer required, but is still necessary to have. There will be very important news, which will set your heart a buzz with activity and love. It is now that you are being exposed for your worth and what you can do for the world as a whole. This lifetime’s ambition is yours for the taking and is truly well-deserved.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Take time out for yourself and your self-interests. There is a new proposition being given to you, which will please you immensely and allow you to expand your business and social life as never before. There is also romance in the air, which will be disguised as friendship first of all. The intentions will always be honourable and you can rely on this for your safety and wellbeing.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

November 2014

23 Oct-21 Nov

As the new moon becomes your guiding light and where all that was stuck for you is no longer, you can begin to relish in a higher way of living and working and where your exemplary work is recognised for all time. This transition is not only strong, but equally necessary for your growth and understanding. Of this you will be well pleased.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The new start that appeared painful for you at the time will be totally wiped away and you will experience new peace and tranquillity, where mighty work is necessary to establish yourself in a better more organised way. This new life will invigorate you into making decisions you never thought possible before and where extra vigour is given to establish a new you, which has been long overdue. 

22 Dec-19 Jan

Coming into your own will be easier than you thought possible. Know you are in a charmed life and that all that was promised is finally realised. You have been steadfast in your resolve and so the burden is lifted for all time. See your role as being in an advisory position, but nevertheless vital in so many ways. A remarkable position to be in, you won’t be disappointed.

20 Jan-18 Feb

What was an impossible dream is being realised and where the burden of proof is coming to light with all the consequences that go with it. The battle is being won on several fronts and where you thought you had no more time to manage, a new lease of life is offered to you. All becomes crystal clear and nothing is left to chance.

19 Feb-20 Mar

You are allowed to scream that you have been saved against the odds. Time for real living is upon us and nothing has been left to chance. Your time now will be diverse and exciting; the real chances there to excel in different ways. You are applauded for your work and deliverance to the human cause. All come to praise your efforts and strength of will to deliver.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The mighty rise and fall according to how they have conducted their lives. Yours has been a mixture of intent and action and not all has gone according to plan. Your life is in the balance and where you will feel according to Spiritual Law you will be saved once contrition has been fulfilled. You need to make amends and from that point a new lease of life is granted.

20 Apr-20 May

Many trials and tribulations are being washed away and where you can finally deliver a new way of living and working. The doors of opportunity are there for all to see and from this vantage point you are able to deliver what was not possible before.  The timing of events allows for this to happen and control is now back in your hands for the first time in years.

21 May-20 Jun

A masterstroke of genius being offered to you and where you thought nothing was going to happen all at once the opportunities become possible. Moving from the old life into the new becomes effortless for you and where the new premises will hold up to all expectation and total fulfilment. Know you are well blessed and a charmed life is there for you just for the taking.

21 Jun-22 Jul

What has seemed like an impossible transition is wide open for you with every advantage being the nature of the game. You come to save many lives and, where the impossible becomes the possible, it is open for you to enjoy and to master in many ways. Your work and notoriety go through the roof and you can deliver on time all that was promised in the first instant.

23 Jul-22 Aug

What appears broken is now being resolved and strengthened and to your liking and satisfaction. The new policy of working and delivery becomes effortless for you and where a greater understanding of your talents is something that only you now realise. Take your newfound skills and know you are on the right track to greater personal gains than you have been for a very long time.

23 Aug-22 Sep

What appears strange and incoherent is no more than a smokescreen for uncertainties that have always been there. The new moon now in operation seeks to oust out all disgruntled ways and allows for greater harmony and satisfaction in many ways. The time for change is already upon us and where you will need to back off slightly to benefit overall. This change is for the better.

23 Sep-22 Oct

To remain secure and passive will never benefit your disposition. It’s high time you allow yourself a greater form of delivery if you wish to fulfil your destiny. The impetus to get going is all around, where a need on your part is required. You will not be allowed to tread water for fear of going wrong. The push to get you going far outweighs even your stubborn differences.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October 2014

23 Sep-22 Oct

The position appears to be hanging there in the balance and where you feel distraught and severely handicapped. See out of the blue a saving grace, where all begins to fall in your favour and where new decisions can be commanded. This is your time to make the necessary advances on a better more economical level and where finally you are in the commanding position.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As the new found vocation is yours for all time, you will feel both liberated and uplifted. At last you have the impetus and the position to exercise your will and expertise. From this position you can command a better outlook than ever before. The career change has been both fortuitous and welcoming and has come at the right time to make a significant difference to your life.

22 Nov-21 Dec

There is no need to throw caution to the wind as new active opportunities for you are delivered. There will be a career change bringing you lasting benefits and much finance, which is always needed in your case.  What was promised some months ago is well on target and nothing has been lost in holding you in preservation for what is to come. All is for your benefit.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As your dreams finally come true and nothing is left to chance, you will feel strangely uncertain that although it was always meant to be, you still felt you were not worthy, which of course you always were.
Taking the bull by the horns on every level will free up any anxieties you may be harbouring. This big step is in preparation of better things to come.

20 Jan-18 Feb

What you thought was impossible has become possible without your input. The Higher Intelligence has paved the way for the renewed contract to occur. As you realised just how blessed you are, you can begin to chart matters in a better way. The old ways will no longer be productive. It is the new that needs to be addressed for all to gain at the same time. 

19 Feb-20 Mar

As the stimulating new work begins to shape up your future and your role in society, do not think you cannot achieve it. Your strength and wisdom will out shine anybody who feels they can challenge your judgement. The role you hold is one of supremacy over others and where your advice will stand the test of time always. Respect and admiration will become the norm.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Have a care as to how you handle situations around you.  Nothing is that straight forward and careful consideration for other people’s feelings needs to be taken into consideration if you are to benefit from the new plans shown to you. This is no longer a one band operation, but a collective and so it must be discussed by all for the consensus to benefit and gain.

20 Apr-20 May

Although you feel troubled, don’t be. The opening has already happened and you are finally thrust into the limelight. It is what you have been asking for and so now it is yours to command and to prosper by. The situation is not entirely straight forward, but is easy for you to fit in and make it your own. You have gained where others have failed.

21 May-20 Jun

To bring about certainty, where before was doubt, will amaze and please you. The new structured opportunity will allow swift passage to enjoy what was rightfully yours. You have come a long way and the time is right for you to take centre stage and become that fully fledged professional. Nothing can hold you back and the new team will be at your disposal to guide you in.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you jump from one career to another, you will be amazed at how simple it all is. What you felt and dreaded before is no longer worth thinking about. Your transformation will be quick and decisive and many will benefit from your expertise and dedication. As new important clientele begin to realise your talents, so more are directed to you and business becomes a dream at long last.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never think you can’t make it. The breakthrough you have been waiting for is at last at your door and you can begin to take steps for your career, which has been a long time in the making. At last you can realise your true worth and where finance will go hand in hand with productivity of which there will be no shortage as far as you are concern.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The simple things in life give the greatest of pleasures and where your will to begin again is never far from your thoughts. Long ago when you had a dream that has been with you for all time, that dream becomes the reality. Your happiness guaranteed and the welcoming changes will see you positive as never before. Taking chances is no longer necessary. The reality is here to stay.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Monday, 1 September 2014

September 2014

23 Aug-22 Sep

The planetary aspects are in full force around you and this will give you the impetus to walk in a different direction to what you have been recently doing. It will be for your own good and where full productivity will be the dream you have been waiting for and where life will start to expand in more ways, so that you can become successful as never before.

23 Sep-22 Oct

When trusting your own instincts have not let you down, you must proceed along this path with the same agenda. Do not trust anybody other than your instincts and you will be able to release the fear that has been fostered upon you, which is both unnecessary and counterproductive. You had the green light some time ago and you must proceed, not with caution, but with total faith.

23 Oct-21 Nov

All that has been promised to you some time ago is there for your pleasure and advancement. You need to make that next big decision so that you can blow the lid off your personal establishment and bring about new direction, which is possible. All will be mesmerised by your prowess and diligence of mind to bring about a successful bid for new business, which now awaits you.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Do not fear the challenges set before you, as they are what you have already asked for in order for you to personally advance in ways you have dreamed about. Timing is now perfect, as so many things will land in your lap and where effort is but an easy task to bring about true success. Know there is a Higher Intelligence steering it all in for you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Open up your heart and smell the sweet scent of success. You are beginning to ride high and this impetus is unstoppable. You start to literally cruise forwards in life. Never have you felt so at home with so many things coming to you so easily. It will frighten you at first. Until the strangeness feels more comfortable to your mind, there will be nothing to worry about.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The necessary changes that will be forced on you will see it as despair in your life. Look again and start to see where you were saved and how you will be able to forge ahead with rebuilding your life in a better more secure way. Nothing has been left to chance and happiness is afforded to you. All that has been left behind, you did not need anyway.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Being thankful to all those who have saved you is not necessary, as this is justification for long term dedication and a strong will to survive. Now you can fully claim victory. It will stand you in good stead with an establishment that you will meet and succeed with. This is not a dream, but a reality and you will from now on decide your path of excellence.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Being honest with yourself is never easy, as you don’t ever see yourself as others do and that is your main problem. With life, one has to give first in order to receive what you feel is justifiable to you. The turnaround of events will overtake you and you will be carried off on a different course of living, where adjustments will be made to help you survive.

20 Apr-20 May

Keep going, all is well and adjusted to your liking. What you first feared will not happen – a greater outcome is there for all to see. You have been saved and all your hard work is now proving profitable. Lasting happiness with much contentment is there for you for all time. You can now make that new decision with a clarity of mind that it will happen.

21 May-20 Jun

Remain positive as the new instruction for your welfare is announced.   All your fears are no longer valid, as the massive changeover is already occurring, bringing you lasting happiness and peace of mind you have not enjoyed for a long time. Financial woes will be of a better standing, whereby you are able to rebuild once again.  Remember you are looked after even though you seldom recognise it!

21 Jun-22 Jul

What is being delivered to you on a plate will see your success rise substantially, then you will be able to see a more positive outlook.  Finances will no longer prove to be a problem to you. Your determination to succeed in this new venture will be automatic, but it is not required as your skills are already in place, which are the driving force for success anyway.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A career change is about to befall you with lasting benefits. It will see you head a team of experts you did not think possible. The swift transition will be the driving force that steers you on, allows you to maintain your dignity, which has seen many dips lately.  All will spur you on so that world acclaim is there for you, if you wish to pursue it.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Friday, 1 August 2014

August 2014

23 Jul-22 Aug

As new and important decisions are needed to be made in order to get your life on track and made easier for you in these demanding days, you will find that you are no longer so much up in the air, but more grounded, allowing you extra necessary time for yourself to extend your creative abilities. These eventually will fall on fertile ground at long last.

23 Aug-22 Sep

An expensive time ahead, which will be welcomed in spite of being touch and go with the finances.  You will need to speculate in order to accumulate. You have been dragging your feet in many ways. Now the situation is forced on you and you need to take a closer look at what you want to achieve. It’s never too late and it is much needed now.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Try being a little more brave! The situation around you is not going to destroy you, but will eventually enhance your business and your life in general. It is high time you moved on and had the will to do so. You have been stagnating in your life for far too long now and so the move is imperative for your welfare and prosperity.

23 Oct-21 Nov

You begin to move up the social ladder and begin to appreciate all the hard work you have done throughout the years. This is payback time and where you can become the person you always wanted to be. You will never regret all the sacrifices along the way. See your life changing in front of you and with much coming your way you will be spoilt for choice.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Everything seems to be clambering around you and where you feel at times out of your depth. This is only transitory and must be got through to accept the good things coming your way. You will be delighted and surprised, as there are many accolades coming your way which have all been well earned. Look now to your future and allow yourself some much needed fun at last.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The much needed breakthrough arrives at your door with marvellous things attached to it. You will be amazed and delighted. Everything is planned to the nth degree so that there are no hold ups or hidden agendas you did not know about. A clearing out of the past, so that you can welcome the new is required, where full recognition for your talents and gifts are fully appreciated.

20 Jan-18 Feb

You must be a little more patient as the changeover has almost arrived and you are finally free and settled for all time. No more needing to hold up to any hang ups, as all will gradually fade away and be no more.  This is a time for true celebration and where the next chapters of your life are shown to you – a really great and exciting time.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Looking now towards your future is never easy for you, as you always appear a little uncertain or apprehensive.  Now all the gloves are off and any signs of obstructions will be no more.  All is fast acting and where you will need to be ahead of the game in all things.  Know you are always being looked after and so now a cruising speed is yours to enjoy.

21 Mar-19 Apr

A change of circumstances will alert you to be cautious. The land does not lie steady for you. You will need to ride this storm before you are able to see the way clear. If you value your life and your security, then all must be put in place legally before you are able to take the next steps forward.  It is crucial that you get it right!

20 Apr-20 May

Having a home of your own is not a problem, keeping it is!  It’s high time that you trust in a Higher Intelligence to give you that helping hand, which you so often deny. Until you acknowledge this input, you will continue to struggle when it is not necessary. Good and important things are in the pipeline for you, acknowledge their existence when the time is right.

21 May-20 Jun

An important step forwards in your life is to be relished and appreciated. It comes out of the blue and has no strings attached, only pure pleasure and advancement in many ways.  It is your time to bask in your own limelight and appreciate all the good will being imposed on you now. Take a deep breath and go for it. The timing for you is perfect.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you start to believe in yourself and your many abilities, more avenues of work on a specialised basis come to you. Know that you are in demand in many different ways that you will need to reschedule your life accordingly. The time now is to fly and all that important work takes on a life of its own.  You are able to truly become yourself at long last.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

July 2014

21 Jun-22 Jul

The career you are presently involved in has too many strings attached and a breaking away will be made possible, so that you are able to address new career prospects, which will be in keeping to your needs and desires.  It has been an interesting path and where you have learnt a lot and are now able to apply it to matters more close to the heart.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never feel heavy burdened, because life moves in mysterious ways.  What seemed like a drag will gently ebb away for you to finally achieve your destiny for what it is worth.  Important contracts of work, which were not there before because of the status quo, will appear, giving you time to reconsider your options before you make the decisive move – an interesting time and profitable as well.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A chance meeting will set up a dialogue, which will amuse you.  It opens up an entire industry of work and contacts, which allow you more growth in finance – the start of something big, where much energy on your part to help make it work is necessary.  Full admiration of what you do becomes the norm.  Allow yourself to be swept up in a tide of euphoria.

23 Sep-22 Oct

No need to be shy, as it won’t get you anywhere, it’s time you were in charge and robust in your delivery of what you want, in the way that you want it.  You have been beating about the bush for long enough.  Now is the time for boldness and in speaking your mind if you are to break through this deadlock in the situation that surrounds you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As the time starts to press on very quickly indeed, you need to make drastic decisions towards your immediate future and prospects.  Uplifting situations will come in with a bump to help you to decide what action you need to take.  Loyalties are no longer applicable, but where your interests primarily must come first.  You cannot afford to sacrifice yourself for others.  It is your time now!

22 Nov-21 Dec

Open your eyes see the success you have achieved.  Realise that more is on the way.  You are unstoppable.  Contracts and signings will see that you have come a long way.  The new scheme of working is your way of delivering sound and effective work.  All will love you for it and admire your steadfastness in getting projects off the ground.  Your name is in the frame!

22 Dec-19 Jan

The days are coming now for your big launch onto the world stage from which you will feel no trepidation, but a comfort that all will be well and your role will be significantly improved in all dimensions.  A starting block from which you will be selected to do chosen work for the greater good – a dream come true.  Preparation needs to be in place for that move.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Hungry you might be for personal advancement, but until all things are in place for that to happen, you can but sit back and watch.  The planetary changes are still in motion to bring about a favoured motion.  Gather up your strength for the off and be wary of whom you trust, as there is conflict on the horizon and you cannot be found wanting.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Gently you are eased into your role of greatness and a completely different life to what you have been used to.  With greatness comes responsibility and you will not be short of doing what is right for the advancement of Mankind.  See that all work is up to date as fast lines of movement are already afoot.  It will seem as if it will never arrive, then it is there.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Being too cautious is never a good thing, as you hold back your own personal advancement.  By remaining free and going with the flow you will enhance your progress and the dam of negativity is removed for all time.  Then the advancement to your credit can finally be given.  Trust in your instincts and be patient.  All is there for you.  Failure is not an option.

20 Apr-20 May

Wake up to good things now coming to you with quick results and effortless acts on your part to bring about healthy outcomes of which you will be well pleased.  There will be many undertakings of which you will need to seek further advice in a commercial way and signatures by a law firm will be required to give you peace of mind.  All then can be safeguarded.

21 May-20 Jun

Begin to take stock of what is important in your life.  You will begin to understand that control was never a part of your life, but a symptom that another takes into consideration for what is important to you.   What can be achieved when you no longer interfere?  It has taken its toll and until you begin to see reason you will be battling with the odds of life.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Sunday, 1 June 2014

June 2014

21 May-20 Jun

This will be a very fun month for those entertaining and who want to get out and about for fun and laughter. Love is certainly in the air and it is right that those who are single should start feeling light-hearted and young again. The planetary configurations are favourable to start permanent relationships, where before there was none. All is looking good!

21 Jun-22 Jul

Decision time will be asked of you as you now enter another phase of development in your life. All will be laid out before you to enjoy, but these decisions cannot be taken lightly as they will affect your future as never before. New opportunities career wise and how you hope to address family matters, where there is a light of good hope after so long.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Take up the spark of life and run with it.  It is important that you do as you are heading now into a head wind and you will need all your strength and ingenuity not to get blown down. Start to believe in your own destiny and know that the light of good will is being brought to you with many more opportunities than you first imagined.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you begin to enjoy life once again and start to believe in a greater force looking after you, you will come to realise that life is not so bad after all and all that you now believe to be positive signs certainly are.  You are now coming into your own and will start to carve out a new life for yourself, which before there was none.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Learn to be strong and energised. What before sapped your energy is no longer required. All has fallen down in that sphere and now you are being taken on with your life to see just what you are made of and how far you are able to go. This life is a big challenge and you have now the will to pursue it and take it on.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Many happy openings are now in front of you. See what appeals the most and believe that you are being guided to make the right decision, where all will bear fruit and deliver you onto the next phase of expertise.  You have been shy before in taking those risks, but these are not risks, they are certainties to enhance your life. You have nothing to fear.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Feeling fresh and fancy free is a good thing when it comes with wisdom. You have gone through the mill and back and now the liberation forces stand by to remove all aspects of negativity and where the way forward is highlighted and calculated to bring success and satisfaction. Your long-term burdens are no more. All have been removed leaving the way clear to move on.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you come to realise the powers within you, you are not afraid and are able to stand up and say your piece. It will be justified, as other opportunities will need this advancement and where life becomes easier because of it. Look to the future as never before, where the burdens of life are no more, as everything to make your life easier is brought to you.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Cutting edge technology will be given to you to enhance your sagging business. It is high time you started to realise that you cannot accomplish it all alone and that vital help must come in to aid and sort out the mess that is all around you. This has been building up for months and now you must address those issues before it is too late.

19 Feb-20 Mar

A life time’s ambition is realised and where you had no idea of the complexities that were there to bring you to this point in your life. You are recognised by all for the important global work, which brings you to the steps of fame and fortune. You don’t need to blink in case you don’t see it. It is there for all time as has been well earned.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Worrying about what might have been is no longer necessary. By turning over a new leaf and sticking to the game plan, you will see both interesting and positive results.  No longer do you need to worry about money. That has now passed away as the new life now beckons you and all is smooth running. Start to believe in yourself again as you go forwards.

20 Apr-20 May

The doors that were closed to you have now become open and the positive planetary vibrations beckon another route that you must take if you wish to feel secure and positive. You keep falling back into the past and that must now be laid to rest. All is coming for you and all is of a positive outlook. Begin to realise you are saved for all time.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see