Saturday, 1 February 2014

February 2014

20 Jan-18 Feb

This will be an exceptional month for those who are trying to get a new business up and running. The planetary changes are both favourable and productive so the forecast for good investment is all around. There will be a short term finance arrangement so that all aspects can be achieved without the dread of long-term interests on ordinary loans.  It is advisable to look now!

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you come into your own, you will be taking the lead without problems of what might happen or not. The impetus to go forwards is strong and productive, as you break important grounds in your work. The pathway is paved with gold and it is time you believed in your destiny. The need to follow through on so many things becomes operational without even lifting a finger.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As new landmarks appear for you to take note of, you will notice that all that was supposed to happen has in fact been held up and is now bringing in new problems, which you must overcome. A new arrangement workwise will start to see you flourish again provided you have done all your homework to achieve a better footing of control. All becomes necessary now!

20 Apr-20 May

Many happy times are being presented to you, where you can begin to present a better home framework, where lasting peace over long-term problems are finally realised. Your courage and hard work has provided a framework that can deliver all that you now need to support your life as never before.  So do not be downhearted, as the beginning of great things is now in store.

21 May-20 Jun

Being brave is no longer necessary.  Whatever your problems were they are now being decided for you by the Universal energies, so worrying about them is futile. You just need to go with the flow and trust in the Higher Intelligence to create the way for you and where you will feel happier than you have done for a very long time indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Never think you have missed your opportunity to shine and be famous in your own right. It is high time you believed properly in yourself and accept the various talents you have to becoming somebody who is looked up to by the public. You have both flair and ingenuity and it is high time that you put them to full use so you can realise your destiny.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A breakthrough, which you did not think possible, has occurred.  It is up to you to put your case forward and accept the accolade that has been yours by right. It is no good expecting others to praise you. It is for you to know you are in that position and start to see the breakthroughs now on offer. You deserve it after all this time.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Every time you think you have won, something seems to step in and pull you back again. This is only momentary, as the initial breakthrough has already happened and a more productive and peaceful life is now envisaged. To begin again is never easy, but it is possible for you, that it is not required as you have already done more than enough to secure your future.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you begin to step into the unknown, know that you are being looked after and the Universal energies are there to protect you always.  You have done outstanding work and so the rewards, which are coming, will see you in clover forever more. A large amount of finance, not thought possible, is there for you and you will treat it wisely as it was meant to be.

23 Oct-21 Nov

See your future being mapped out in a more positive way. Those delicate deals that you have been organising have left you feeling ragged and disappointed. It is necessary to bring them back to the table, where a firmer commitment is required and where lasting finance is always available. Learn to take the upper hand, where you remain in charge, so that the outcome is right for all.

22 Nov-21 Dec

It is necessary to wipe the slate clean and start again. Trying to accomplish a business deal where all is awry is not possible and you will have your hands full with many disappointments if you continue.  Start again on firm territory. You will be able to establish the upper hand and be in a position to safeguard any unnecessary loses. Be brave and do the right thing.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you come into your own, you won’t be at all surprised at how popular you are. It’s necessary to believe in the power that will never leave you and to consider your highly elevated role in all that you do and say. As the commanding lead in so many ways is given to you, it will see you in such a good place you will believe it.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see