Sunday, 31 July 2016

August 2016

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you start to see your future unfold and you begin to get more confidence in your ability to see your success, so it will happen.  The turning point to greatness has now arrived and is ongoing.  The past has to be laid to rest and so it can no longer influence the present and the future.  Know your heighten skills will be set to good use always.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A strong commitment to family and friends is necessary this month and to show willing to support those who are in need of your services.  It is high time that a new policy of helping and support is visibly seen and where you also will gain in the long run.  Never think this will be a waste of time, it is the start of many reconciliations, which are needed at this time.

23 Sep-22 Oct

A new project, which you have been asking for, is now on its way and will come in around the middle of this month.  It will revolutionise the way you act and think.  It will be a peace offering for all those times you thought you were overlooked for promotion and a chance to prove yourself.  These will now be your finest moments and where achievements on every level will be on offer to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Never doubt your abilities, which are second to none and where you shine head and shoulders above the rest.  It is time you actually believed in your expertise to change people’s lives for the better and by those acts of kindness you will ultimately reap your own rewards.  Situations in your life are now turning around for the better and where you will start to see your success being realised in financial rewards as well.

22 Nov-21 Dec

There is a change in the air which sparks a whole new idea of going forwards in a most productive way.  This you have been actively wishing for and now it is coming to full fruition, where you are able to see your way ahead and where productivity on a massive scale will bring pleasure to your heart and mind.  No longer will you need to worry about the finances.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Your delivery onto the world stage is approaching very fast.  This month sees the preparation of all good things coming your way and to see yourself in ways never seen before.  See your confidence begin to rise and where you will be able to take matters in your stride at a pace that is comfortable for you.  You are rising now and nothing can stop this happening.  It is your destiny to achieve greatness.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Now as the good times begin to hit you, you will feel totally restored and where all that is now required in your life becomes possible and ongoing.  It has been a struggle of late, but now the barriers are fully down and all systems are go, go, go.  It is also time to reflect at just how far you have come and the many good experiences you have enjoyed along the way. 

19 Feb-20 Mar

It is time to accept your greatness as others have already seen it in you.  You are the rising star of now and the future.  You are unstoppable.  New accolades will be given to you, so that you understand what is happening and where you are now in a position to go forwards as never before.  See your new status arrive in a couple of weeks’ time.  This will create the conditions for even greater prosperity.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you begin to walk tall and take life more in your stride, you can finally relax and be yourself.  There will be mighty tasks for you to perform and where full time recognition is there at last for you.  As you begin to pick yourself up and start again in earnest, you will realise that nothing was be chance, but by the greater design of what was needed in your life from now on.

20 Apr-20 May

This is an exciting time for you where long term projects, which were held up, are now being released and where at last you are in a position to deal with them.  The path has not always been easy for you, but with the new policies now in place life is already on the up.  Start to see the bigger picture and where at last you will feel free from the constraints from the past.

21 May-20 Jun

A new life, a new service for you to perform and excel in, is most important to you in your life from now on.  It is high time that you believed in yourself and where a greater life’s achievement will be yours for all time.  See the new life path open up for you and begin to see that the Higher Intelligence did not let you down, but was always there from the start.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now as you begin to see your life unfold in many unexpected ways, it will come as a shock relief that you are finally rediscovered after all this time.  You enter into a phase of much productivity and where your resources will carry you far and wide.  The time has come where you will see that all you have wished for is yours, but in a bigger way than was ever imagined by you before.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Friday, 1 July 2016

July 2016

21 Jun-22 Jul

A lift off in so many different ways this month will prove to be beneficial to you.  There are some hidden extras that will surprise you, which you had not known before.  All is contingent that you keep on doing what you have been so far.  The secret here is to trust in your ability to perform to your highest ability in all things and this of course you will do.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As life takes on a more enthusiastic plan and you can safely see your way ahead, there are many new opportunities advancing in your direction that it will make your head spin.  The new dimension of working and living is totally to your liking and where you can begin to appreciate life in a better vane to what you already had.  Never lose sight of your principles.  They are what made you strong and worthwhile.

23 Aug-22 Sep

To move house or work would be not be a good move right now.  There are too many disturbances and uncertainties around your fields of activity and the planetary conjunction is not in your favour.  Leave these decisions for another month and begin to see your pathway clear for a better indication of what is possible and what is not.  This partial delay will be in your favour long term.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Unsettled you may feel, but that should not stop you trying right now.  The lift off to you will be there soon enough and the outcome will be wide open when it does come in.  Know that the impossible happens for a reason and that will be positively shown to you in a very short time indeed.  Your future is great.  The new situation of working and living could not come in at a better time for you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you see your way clear into making that expensive trip away, it will seem like a milestone has been finally lifted from your shoulders.  All that has been promised is shown to you and where a better life can be formulated beyond your wildest dreams.  Start the important decisions as soon as the okay comes in and there will be no regrets.  A closer integration of family members is what this is all about.

22 Nov-21 Dec

A dream come true is what this is all about.  You have worked your entire life for this moment to arrive and you won’t be disappointed.  A complete turnaround of lifestyle and working practice will see you head and shoulders above the rest.  You have now earned all the accolades which will be bestowed on you and where you will command centre position as never before.  Well done indeed.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A situation of deep personal attribution is coming your way, where you will be hailed as great in ways not recognised by yourself before.  It comes in a strange way, but you will be able to instantly recognise it as soon as it appears.  All your hopes and dreams coming in all at once will seem as if the impossible has finally arrived and not before time.  Know that you are already destined for greatness, but not perhaps as you thought possible.

20 Jan-18 Feb

An extraordinary gift of gratitude will be bestowed on you.  It comes out of the blue sending you into a dither.  It’s not a mistake, but a genuine gift for services given a lifetime ago.  Now you will be able to recognise your own worth and to see yourself in a different light from the one you have been doing all these years.  With this gift comes an amazing friendship from the past that will remain throughout your life.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you see your future opening wide for you and far-reaching, you can begin to get the measure of performance required from you.  Many people will be saved by your directive and they will begin to voice it from the highest places.  Never before will you have realised the impact that you have made to so many lives.  Another way of working, which will push you up the ladder of success, is being discussed and will be implemented favourably before long.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Don’t feel hard done by.  The necessary openings for success are already in motion.  You just need to keep your head down and carry on while the intricate finalities are being put into place.  You will see yourself able to carry on in a bigger way again and where your genius will be shown off to full advantage.  The bigger package of working is coming to you fairly soon now.

20 Apr-20 May

There is no need to feel disenfranchised.  All that has been promised to you is still on offer and you will begin to see that the process of elimination will be to your advantage and not to your detriment.  There needs to be another format of working, which will be able to establish all your skills and not just a few.  See the breakthrough coming in now.

21 May-20 Jun

A very heavy load to come off your mind is being formulated now.  You are not in deep water.  You only think you are.  See a totally different strategy being given to you, which will see your rightful place on the big stage of events now.  It is high time that you realised your worth and not take what others have to say as gospel anymore.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see