Saturday, 29 October 2016

November 2016

23 Oct-21 Nov

This is the time when decisions about your life are to be decided upon.  There is no hardship here, more an acknowledgement of what is now necessary in the progress of your life.  You will need to work instinctively for then the right decisions will come naturally to you without any worries.  All has been calculated to your complete satisfaction and safety.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you progress nicely towards your new career with so many advantages all is now in your favour and where you stand to gain in a colossal way.  Notice a significant difference to your self-worth and where you will no longer stand any nonsense from those who wish to put you down.  There will be a complete reversal of fortunes, where hard work and efforts send the necessary rewards that are now coming to you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The new chapters to your life are opening up before your very eyes.  In a short time that vital leap forwards is provided for you and where you will finally be master of your own destiny.  This will further enhance your career in ways you only dreamed about before.  The advancing communications being built up and where your input to succeed is already in place.  Sing, laugh and be happy.  This is your time to excel.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you begin to see your life pan out more favourably, you will see a determination being constructed, where you are able to decide on decisions which were not possible before.  It is high time you believe that everlasting peace is yours and a greater capacity to see your own involvement in your life is now there.  No longer will you need to rely on the charities of others, but you can now rely on your own.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Taking the high road is not difficult for you anymore.  You have already achieved beyond your wildest dreams and you are now reaching the pinnacle of a career, which is far-reaching with far-reaching accolades you would never find anywhere else.  This now is your chosen destiny and where total fulfilment on a number of issues is being given to you.  See your continued rise and where your name is synonymous with excellence.

21 Mar-19 Apr

A breakdown in communications has left a sour taste in your mouth and you are not sure which way to address the many problems still facing you.  Just allow a little time to pass and all will be well soon enough. There is a necessary adjustment that needs to be put in place, which will allow all situations to resolve themselves naturally.  So be patient and wait and see a significant difference occurring. You will finally be okay.

20 Apr-20 May

There is no need in continually burying your head in the sand.  The problem won’t go away.  You have to deal with it head on and know that the situation can only go one way and that is the right way.  From there you will finally be free of the troubles, which keep mounting up.  You will finally be in charge once again.  Put matters right if you want complete reassurances you are on the right path.

21 May-20 Jun

A great opportunity is now heading your way.  You need to be alert and diligent in your thinking, so that the opportunity becomes worthwhile in many directions.  Never underestimate your ability to advance and to become a world leader in so many ways.  You have striven for this experience your entire life and so it is now time that you received it and for continuing success to play that major part.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Don’t push yourself anymore.  The situation won’t resolve itself by your input at this time.  Allow the situation to calm down and then you will be able to see the reason for it, then you will be in a better position to put matters right.  It is not out of the realms of impossibility that this situation cannot right itself by itself.  Then, you will then be able to go ahead unhindered and in a better frame of mind.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Now that you are heavily ensconced in your new career, see a fast movement of finance coming in, which will please you and the bosses at long last.  You really are in take-off mode and there will be no let up to this important work and schedule.  As time goes by there will be a need for additional staff to accommodate the extra work.  All will be to your liking and enhancement of the work that you do.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Wake up sleepy head!  You are being summoned for another type of work.  You cannot deny yourself this next step up for a future, which will suit you much better.  That challenging work is no longer your lifeline.  The change in policy and environment will allow for stress factors to fall and where at last you can hold yourself up without any further recriminations.  Go for it.  The time is now right.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Everything you ever dreamed of is now being placed at your feet.  It will feel strange but also reassuring.  You have worked your entire life for this to be bestowed on you and so you must now cherish every waking moment, as it is your just desserts.  Know that you are somebody and that these next years will give you all the security you have ever dreamed of before.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Saturday, 1 October 2016

October 2016

23 Sep-22 Oct
The time for settling differences is now.  For all those long years apart without speaking has worn you down.  So now you must chose to accept another view point and begin again.  Trust does not come easy to you, but it will, as the time for change is now.  See yourself as bigger than you were before, forgiveness is not a dirty word, but is all about settling scores from the past.

23 Oct-21 Nov

To make hay while the sun shines means that you must get going if you wish to succeed on so many levels.  It is high time that you start to see the marvellous results coming through your hard efforts.  You will be rewarded for past favours, which at the time seemed impossible, are now being offered to you.  Believe in yourself and see that you will be able to come out on top as never before.

22 Nov-21 Dec

To believe in yourself is not an easy thing for you to do, but you really need to do that now.  It is time for self-approval and to see just how far you have come in your journey of triumph over adversity.  Now the climax to success is yours and can never be taken away from you.  Be happy with your success and know it has been well-deserved for all time.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A closing of an old chapter and the beginnings of a new and exciting one is there for you to take up and be delighted in.  It will never faze you and expectations on you will remain high with perfect timing in all matters.  You are being steered to a new image that will make you smile and you will know that all the personal sacrifice was worth it.  Learn to stand tall and take your applause. You deserve every aspect of it.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The impossible seems to have happened and you feel a little unnerved by it.  Know this is not a dream, but a reality and where you can at last find yourself and relish in your new beginnings and abode.  Your life has been on a rollercoaster for far too long now, but it has come out alright and this you must be thankful for.

19 Feb-20 Mar

To allow yourself self-praise is not in your vocabulary, but it needs to be from now on.  A special arrangement work wise will be given to you out of the blue and where you will need to see just how far you have come without really trying.  The new aspects to your life will be necessary from which to conduct your policies of work.  A highly defined elevation is given, not as standard but as recompense for all that you have already done.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you now enter into this exciting phase of your life, you will be able to remark at how well it has all gone and where effort on your part has been minimal for most of the time.  It is now that the hard work becomes apparent and where you will need to make the necessary inroads to stay at the very top of your profession.  Nothing at this stage can or must be taken for granted.

20 Apr-20 May

The turnaround to your life has been remarkable and where you will need to hold your course to remain effective in so many ways.  See that you remain calm and do not allow any negative emotions to get the better of you.  It is now that the enormity of the breakthrough is shown to you and where satisfaction on so many levels is yours to enjoy for all time.

21 May-20 Jun

To be successful, heart and soul besides effort must come into motion.  This is now happening as you begin to understand the process and succumb to a higher calling than your own.  You will be delighted at the results and begin to see why you were chosen to accept this offer over and above anybody else.  The new challenges will seem effortless by your standards, but are still important enough to bring in the right results.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The start of this new month will see you very busy indeed.  Your feet won’t touch the ground.  It really is a magical time for you, where everything seems to come to you at once and where you are able to take it all in your stride.  Begin to see the new opportunities show themselves to you, where you will be highly delighted in all matters.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never doubt in your abilities to succeed on many different levels.  Your industry is expanding at an alarming rate and you must keep up with the enormity of it all, as it is now heading your way.  New partnerships are in the pipeline, where you alone will take centre stage and where you will see your destiny unfold in ways not thought possible before.  The transformation to your projects will have lasting results with finances coming in.  There will be no regrets.

23 Aug-22 Sep

It is necessary to turn this course around and to see where you have gone wrong.  Not to start again, but to realise that what is now important did not actually show itself before.  By understanding the methods put before you, you can see what is now necessary and where there will be long-lasting results and where you will be happy on so many levels.  Your time is now, begin to believe in yourself again.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see