Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Febrnuary 2017

20 Jan-18 Feb

This month brings everything up for you, all your unfinished business needs to be handled and finished now.  It is important for the personal advancement that is coming your way.  Making way for massive opportunities is what this is all about and it can’t happen while remaining clutter has still not been dealt with.  In order for you to move on in any substantial way then clearing out is now necessary and cannot be left.

19 Feb-20 Mar

All is now in swift recovery for your future happiness and attainment.  Start to see the regular build-up of work and where self-esteem is at the very heart of what is right and possible.  A new way of working and finance becomes possible, where the old is certainly being replaced with the new and nothing is going to stop this progress.  It is a lifetime’s work that is now being dedicated to you.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The timing is now right to make an enormous splash with those who matter in your life and where personal advancement is now placed for you to make a name for yourself.  It will feel effortless at first, but then comes in the hard work in order to secure your position for all time.  You owe it to yourself to have this achievement as the timing is perfect for you.

20 Apr-20 May

Everybody is saying how amazing you look. This is due to the self-confidence that is growing around you.  Start to see yourself blossom in so many ways and where life was once tough is now seeing happiness breaking in on an unprecedented scale.  The world comes to you with offers of employment you did not think possible a few months ago.  Start to see the build-up of a new and exciting future, where dreams really can come true.

21 May-20 Jun

Those dreams that you once thought were shattered, never to come around again, will start to take you by surprise.  The change in Universal energies allows for breakthroughs to happen when one deserves them and this is what is happening in your case.  By being brave and putting a strong face on things, not allowing your guard to come down but just soldiering on, has now affected the energies and so a transformation becomes possible, so well done indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

A position close to your heart becomes possible and practical as well.  What has seemed like an eternity in getting there is now happening.  Begin to trust once again in your instinct and your best interests, so that opportunities coming in allows for you to finally enjoy life in ways not thought possible before.  A trip away with rest and recuperation is now being planned – this one you will enjoy.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Start to see massive breakthroughs in romance and productivity with regards to work opportunities.  What was a steady productive pace now becomes a full production zone with all hands on the deck.  You won’t have time to take your eye off the ball.  The start of this New Year will see fundamental changes coming your way, where you will hold centre stage and all that you say will bear fruit and enjoyment.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Advanced warnings of new important ideas will be given to you, so that you are in a prime position to implement them at any given time.  The world is now opening up to the fact of what you are doing.  Your name is being bandied about with approval and excellence.  What was a difficult year is no more.  Start to see the easy and successful ride you are now enjoying and this is because you deserve it.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The new beginning of which you have been praying for is almost upon you and where enormous satisfaction on many levels is yours to enjoy. Never think you are not wanted, this is not the question.  It is where can you best serve your destiny and be highly acclaimed for it, that time is now.  See your swift rise and where everybody will have your best intentions at heart.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Never think you are stuck as the time is fast approaching for increased productivity and financial acclaim.  It had to be done in the right and positive way, where you begin to see your worth and how people start to see your viewpoint with so much endeavour and gratitude.  Remember you have always inspired those around you. Do what you can and understand that you cannot help those who won’t help themselves.  This is your year to finally move on and there won’t be any regrets.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Heaven was not built in a day, but the heavenly influence is all around you, uplifting and guiding you into pastures new, where you will see yourself take up a different role to what you are currently doing.  This will not be a disappointment to you, but a very well worthwhile task which will keep you busy with further enlightenment that you have never known before.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The time now is to forge ahead with enormous productivity and where your self-confidence takes a leap forwards.  Know that you are in command here and where life becomes easier the more you become settled.  Those feelings of insecurity and feelings of not being well enough to take on these enormous tasks are just your fears and not what is the reality in a very short space of time.  Know all your life is mapped out and so your just rewards are already in the bag, well done to you.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see