Saturday, 1 July 2017

July 2017

21 Jun-22 Jul

The next two months will be extremely exciting for you and you will be able to make massive headway with your career and lifestyle.  Start to believe in yourself as never before and to understand that your capabilities are more than you think they are.  This is a success story waiting to open up for you in so many different ways.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Your life is not over, now is the time when all change appear, even in your most darkest hours the light of opportunity shines brightly for you.  You are in demand again for all your expertise and services.  Do not think you are a spent force and that situations which appear unreachable suddenly become possible.  A call out of the blue will be your saving grace and where all your hard work over many years begins to pay off!

23 Aug-22 Sep

As circumstances beyond your control start to appear from nowhere, this will enable you to make fast and objective changes and where a new beginning becomes possible.  In this world of ours, where being competitive is required of us to the highest degree, pressure is often brought to bear and where we find we do not always have the resources to achieve at the higher levels.  The Universe provides us all with what we need for our greater good and it always comes in on time.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Do not give up hope, the necessary breakthrough Is coming and where you will be well pleased.  Everything that so far has been predicted for you by the higher intelligence is now there waiting for you to take up that offer and where true progress is now made.  Everything becomes straightforward and where solutions to so many problems are being met and made.  Time now to reflect on more positive days and where the answers to so many questions are being relayed to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As surprise after surprise hits you this month you will see the reasons why you were held up in this awkward way.  The better solutions have now come in making life much easier and where a living and working programme transforms your life as never before.  You will see that you can now open up a business plan, which was beyond your control before, is now coming in, much to your delight and reassurance for going forwards.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Your courage and conviction have paid off as a new offer of employment is heading your way.  It will offer you far more than you thought possible and where you will become in charge of your own life once again.  Feel the enormous power of confidence coming into you, where you will be head and shoulders above the rest.  You certainly deserved all that comes to you now!

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Try not to be so hard on yourself and accept the decisions from a higher intelligence over yours.  You must not give up or give in, but to surrender to what needs to be done and where you can make headway in your life once again.  Stop feeling so sorry for yourself and accept that you are better off than you think you are and start feeling grateful for it, something you find extremely difficult to do.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

The breakthrough has finally happened and now you are in a position to plan for your future as never before.  It has taken its time in coming, but the obstacles stacked against you were great indeed. With perseverance and outstanding courage, you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labour and begin to breathe the fresh air of freedom once again.  Start to see your path open for you as never before and believe in your destiny to succeed at last.

20 Apr-20 May

The time plan is tight indeed, but you must plough through this awkward time to be able to achieve your goal, which you will do.  Start to see events starting to open up for you, which were not there a month ago, but are now showing you what you can now fully achieve if you put your mind to it.  This is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing if you want happiness and success now!

21 May-20 Jun

A coming together of minds is what is needed to make that necessary headway in all things.  You will be able to see that special soul working alongside you, so that joint achievements are now possible at a great rate.  The situation for you certainly does look rosy and where you will feel so relieved it all came in at the right time.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see