23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
As this week
gets underway you will see increasing strength being given to you for the very
important decisions you will need to make in these next thirty days. There cannot be any more delays. These important
decisions will outline the very work you will need to do to secure your future
in so many ways. You know it makes sense
to act and think positively, so that your outcome is always assured.
23 Sep-22 Oct
Now, as you
face your greatest challenge to date and where the outcome is always positive,
the green light is there for you to move on and out and where the safety net to
do so is already in place. Trust in the
Higher Power, where everything for your smooth transition is already in place. There will be no regrets, only lasting
positive outcomes. The life is bright
and beautiful and it is yours for the taking.
Your prayers have finally been answered.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
Don’t be judgemental towards those who do not understand your
motives. They can only see things from
their own narrow point of view. So many
barriers are coming down for you, enabling a clearer viewpoint of what the
future now holds for you. It is all in
the Grand Design and has been since the time of your birth. Embrace what is now on offer for you and
embrace it in the spirit it has been given.
You won’t regret it ever.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
The true
awakening has finally arrived and where you can now make that important
transition. The entire operation will go
according to plan, so any reservations you might have had will simply melt
away. This time you are in charge and
where those important decisions will keep you on course and where little
problems are no longer the mountains they once were. See your destiny rise and where you will
remain at peace for all time, well done for all your courage at this time.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
As your inner strength continues to grow and where the might that
appears to come from nowhere becomes visible to you, you are entering into
exciting times and where life, as you once knew it, is no more. The new life offered to you will hit you
suddenly and with a mighty force you will instinctively recognise as your
own. Now, the plans that have been put
into place, can at last be realised and all will be completely natural to you. Enjoy, this is your time!
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
As situations begin to change for you in rapid succession, you will
be both amazed and delighted at the same time.
It has been an expensive year for you so far and those money advances
you were asking for are well on their way to you. Remain calm and see the protective forces
gathering around you to safeguard you in so many ways. You will emerge the victor and so be able to
plan again, only this time it will be much better, as the conditions are right!
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
As you enter this phase of
professional and personal advancement, you will want to pinch yourself in case
you are dreaming. This is not the case,
as all those good things have come in due to the extensive hard work and
dedication you have always shown. This
is your time to excel and to breathe the sweet breath of success. What is so amazing is it won’t go away, as
you continue to rise from day to day.
Learn to live and enjoy this time.
It is yours from now on.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Trust your instincts to take you to the next phase of your
life. You have always wanted to rise in
the proper way, where you are able to make the necessary strides, which before
was not possible. See a new wave of
energy being given to you and where the Higher Power will be able to transform
your life in a better, more progressive way.
This is the start of new and important times ahead and where you can
come into your own. Being held back is
no longer an option.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
Hold your head
high and believe that you are great.
This time you are being recognised for your true worth and where others
will be able to see your greatness. The
time now is worth bringing out those new ideas into the light. They have laid dormant in your imagination
and where the right timing is now yours.
You can exploit them in a good and productive way. Take this opportunity and run with it. You won’t be disappointed.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
Every cloud has a silver lining, as the saying goes and yours
certainly has. It is time to stop hiding
your talents and start to expose them to a waiting world, who can benefit from
them, as you will yourself. You must
start thinking big and stop thinking that all your creative ideas are small and
insignificant – that is not the case.
You will be urged now to move on and to bring these many and varied
talents to the surface and to see that many are waiting to enjoy them and, more
importantly, learn from them. This is
your time to shine and nobody is taking, “No” for an answer!
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
The belief, that you can achieve in a mighty way, has always been
there. You have just recently lost your
way to see what has always been possible for you. As major circumstances change for you, the
situation takes you forwards in ways not thought possible before. Know that raw talent and determination has
been your stock-in-trade and has carried you over the many exhausting and
testing times. This time you will see
outstanding achievements and where others will congratulate you without you
ever saying a word.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
The new
beginning will allow you the freedom finally being given to you. You have earned all that comes to you and
where you can exercise your right to say what becomes possible and what is
not. The experience gained over many
years will stand you in good stead and where those who are around you now will
encourage you to go further and see your name up in lights in a very short time
indeed. Well done for not giving up and
for always believing in yourself – your
time has finally arrived!
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see