A feeling of being tossed all over the place will see you being both unsettled and unnerved. This is but a temporary transition and will last three more weeks. See the benefits coming your way. This topsy-turvy aspect is the reawakening of your dreams. Begin to see yourself fulfilled in all avenues. It’s time for the better things, so learn to enjoy life as never before!
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
When did you last think you enjoyed a day out? Well you have earned it. Planetary changes around your sun indicate that new and important aspects are now approaching. You have put in the hard work, so now you can start to enjoy life. It is no longer a drudge to you. Time spent in preparation will see you fulfilled in so many ways. Fear nothing!
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
Come back. You are going too fast. Life has taken an uplift for you, but you are getting carried away, so settle down to a healthy regime. You will find it less tiresome and more advantageous to your lifestyle. Style is something that comes easy to you. Now you are appreciated for having it. See people noticing you. It does matter. It matters to you.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
The treadmill of life is lifting and a more positive outlook comes to you. Do not turn down an opportunity that will come out of the blue. It has all the hallmarks of a great career and with your current expertise it will not prove a problem to a seasoned traveller. You are not one to shy away from responsibilities and you won’t now!
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
What you thought was never going to happen is now happening. A change in monetary objectives will see you clear into making this next deal and, although expensive, it will be finalised sooner than you think making it all worthwhile in the long term. It has been hard fought for, but every bit of it was worth it. Hold your head up for all to see.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
You tend to get exasperated over the slightest things. Is it an adrenalin rush? I don’t think so. Remain positive. This situation has not got out of hand. It is just going off on a different course and of course you must go with it, so stop stamping those feet and begin to see the greater picture with all your needs incorporated in it!
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
Believe in your strengths as never before. You will need to make some drastic decisions very soon now. I know you have been putting it off, but time is fast approaching and you cannot afford to delay any longer. Put your faith in a higher power and see it all come right for you. You might not believe me now, but you soon will do.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
Coming and going, your head in a spin, this overload of work activity is starting to ease itself. You will be able to master all that is before you. Certain aspects never seemed right and that is why it didn’t fit – like a jig-saw puzzle with all the wrong pieces in it. Now that you have seen the light all becomes crystal clear to you.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
This next boat of challenges will not surprise you as you are now fully equipped to take them on. Justifying your actions is not necessary as you begin to take full command of what is already outlined for you to do. Being in your element and where authority is something to be learnt and doesn’t always come easy, but to you it will seem perfectly natural.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
Now is the time for an explosion of thoughts and aspirations. It is high time you stretched your mental skills instead of letting others do all the thinking for you. You can at last believe in yourself and so you must now take this next step into the unknown, knowing you will always be helped along the way, as you have been previously and succeeded.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
Heave a giant sigh of relief as all is going so well for you that you could easily pinch yourself. Yes, it has been hard work and perseverance, but the outcome has already shown itself and the building blocks for success are well on the way. Give yourself valuable time to consolidate all that you have done. It will give you added piece of mind.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Now, as you begin to accept your future, learn to see and understand all the many difficulties that you had to overcome so that you are better able to get on with your life. There will be a massive turning point of events, which you will need to keep on top of so that you can benefit from all that is now in place for you.
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