Friday, 1 December 2017

December 2017

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you start to find your feet and expand into your new lifestyle, matters from the past will keep coming up.  This is not the time for any regrets but where long term solutions are being found to cover any anxieties you might have.  You will still be going forwards and where in time you will relish and appreciate what you have now got.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you enter this new phase with dexterity, you will feel both comfortable and accomplished in your life right now.  Everything that appeared to be stalling is now going smoothly and at a very fast pace indeed.  You will not be able to put the brakes, on just go with the flow and relish in your new-found fame.  It is now that you really can start living and identifying with what you have already achieved.

20 Jan-18 Feb

A new career that you thought was marvellous appears to have gone terribly wrong.  This is not the case, as the teething troubles are not under your control and where a master plan is at work to create a new strategy, which will allow for all colleagues a better chance to get on.   You are able to see what the real problems are and where you are not being singled out for blame or obstruction.  See the many miracles now coming in to save the day!

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you begin to see your lifestyle changing in so many ways and where you are being lifted beyond your wildest dreams.  It is something that has to be recognised by everybody, who will know hands down that you deserve it all.  Just trust now in a Higher Being bringing you to the very front of what you have already achieved and what is to be your true destiny in achieving much more.  You won’t be disappointed.

21 Mar-19 Apr

It is now that the enormous turn around to your life begins.  What has appeared to be a difficult year has in fact been a slow, but continuous progress of which you cannot deny.  Start to appreciate all that has already come your way and where you are able to make that difference not only to your life, but to the lives of so many others.  You are being held in high regard so be pleased, you have already earned it.

20 Apr-20 May

This is the time to take full advantage of the many offers coming into you and where you can make that necessary impact you have always wanted to do in your life.  There has been an enormous impact in your performance and where you have influenced people in the right and proper way.  See the necessary feedback being given to you and with much gratitude from all sides.

21 May-20 Jun

You have already asked yourself that question.  Are you able to stand up to the plate and take your rightful place in society that seems to have eluded you for so long?  You have the many skills and attributes to make a difference to your life and where you are able to trust your own instincts in ways not thought possible before.  See your rise in so many ways and be thankful that it has come in at the right time for you now!

21 Jun-22 Jul

What you are longing for is just around the corner with the timing perfect in every way.  It really is decision time and where you can fully let go of the past and start in earnest to enjoy this new life forever more.
 You have earned it and you deserve it all.  Start to see your happiness coming out in abundance and where your heart will rise substantially in so many ways.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you start to make significant progress and see your life path opening out for you in ways not thought possible before, it will show you that you have been right all along and now the many breakthroughs have your name on it to make you that household name you have always aspired to.  Know you are already much admired and respected in your field of excellence.  Proof of this is already being given to you and well done indeed.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Don’t feel that life is at all difficult when you have made so many achievements in this past year.  You are being recognised for your worth, even if words have not recently been expressed.  Your new system of working is in operation and is being appreciated, even if you have not heard the results so far.  Trust in your abilities to succeed.  This is only the beginning of great things coming your way – you will be well pleased.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As your battle appears long and hard, your influence in so many people’s lives have already paid off with dividends.  You have already left a legacy of excellence behind you and where you will be much sought after for your new adventure coming in sooner than you know it.  This is not the time for complacency, but to enjoy the new and important chapters of your life to come.

23 Oct-21 Nov

What you thought of as being a disappointing start, is now moving along quite nicely and where you are able to have the upper hand in all things.  See amazing situations falling into your lap and where you never thought you could have so much fun is now all around you.  Know that you are so loved and appreciated in all that you do.  These really are exciting times.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

November 2017

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you start to gather your things and begin a new life elsewhere, it is what you have been hoping for, for a very long time.  There will be some adjustment time needed for all of this to actually sink in, but it will be a constant reminder to you that all is now well in your life from now on.  Take the bull by the horns and run with it you are on a winner now.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you start to see your horizons expanding and, all that you thought was not possible before, is coming right and productive in many ways.  New projects are being discussed openly and this is the time to put matters into action, while you have the right planetary alignment in your favour.  You really cannot afford to prevaricate any longer, as this window of opportunity won’t be there forever.  Do not worry what others think, do what you feel in your heart is the right action.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you begin to see your life open up for you in many different ways and where you thought all this was just hocus pocus, you can truly see what has already been stated so long ago.  Your time to shine is now and is ongoing.  Not a myth, but a reality that not only you can see, but others can besides.  The glorious times are here, where you are being lifted out of the glooms of yesteryear, but into a life not known before, yet it feels right all the same.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Taking stock of what is important in your life is now the essence of what is so prevalent right at this moment.  You have already lifted yourself into an amazing new life and, as you begin to understand what is required for you to survive and excel, it becomes easier all the time.  Understand that what happened to you last year will not happen this year, your stability and security are now assured.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Understanding your own strengths has never been easy for you to appreciate.  It is only now that you can see just how far you have come and what is still required of you.  This new life is here to stay and where personal advancement is always necessary for you, you will find it comes easier to you than at any other time.  You are being recognised for your greatness and the public at large are the ones who will hail you, as the success story they have always wished for themselves.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The time is now to explore your talents and to see what is possible in the dramatic change over of your life.  It is the stepping stone that you have always wanted, it is only now that the planetary influences are there to actively make it possible.  So, start to see the beginnings of new and important decisions being made by yourself to advance your life in a better way than even you thought possible before.  The Universe wants you to believe in yourself at last.

20 Apr-20 May

The recent decision you have made is the right one for you.  Do not think you have made a terrible mistake, all that was originally calculated is now coming to pass.  The temporary stopgap was there to stop you going over board and to see that your feet were still safely on the ground.  Now that you have had time to get used to it, all is in full productive mode.  So, start to feel happy – you deserve it and well done.

21 May-20 Jun

Stop hitting your head against a brick wall, you are heard loud and clearly.  What is stopping the progress from happening is the intransigence of some people, who think they know better and feel by stopping the right activity, it will all go away.  This is not the case.  The Universe begins a different strategy to break up the log jam and bring about a new impetus that will be accepted by everybody.  So, relax and see the breakthrough occurring, not only for your benefit, but for all of your collectively.

21 Jun-22 Jul
As you see your launch in progress you will see how much you are appreciated for what you do and how effective your work and life has become.  It is not unusual to have doubts on your part, however, as everything starts to gather momentum and you get swept up in the euphoria of it all, it only goes to show you how valued you are.  Keep going you are an inspiration to so many and a credit to yourself as well.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Some important decision-making will be asked of you.  All is in good form for your continued success and progress.  What you have always dreamed about is being placed in your lap as we speak.  A whole new life with every advantage is being offered to you and where the rewards are substantial.  You have earned this accolade and is yours to keep for all time.  Finally, you are being recognised for the many gifts and talents that you possess and where lasting satisfaction for your diligence is now in place.  Enjoy it all!

23 Aug-22 Sep

The new leaf, that you are turning, will give you an additional advantage over and above everybody else.  It is high time this was adopted, so the Universe can start making up for lost time.  See to it that you keep on this course of enlightenment and that you consistently gain from what was a terrible start.  This beginning will eventually change your life for the better, it is only now that you can see it happening.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Stop thinking it won’t happen.  All is in motion for your swift recovery and where you will start to feel more alive than you have done for a very long time.  Action in so many directions, are opening for you and where you will feel more in control than you have done these last eight months. It is when you least expect it that miracles do happen and where you will be able to see your pathway clearly again.  Never doubt in your ability to perform and become successful again.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Sunday, 1 October 2017

October 2017

23 Sep-22 Oct

The tide of good fortune is turning and where you can see amazing inroads into your discovery on so many aspects. The time is to go forwards ignoring past happenings and begin that life that you were always meant to lead and enjoy. Never doubt your ability to achieve even more than you ever set out to do in your own right. The time is perfect right now!

23 Oct-21 Nov

Begin to see happiness unfold before your very eyes and where destiny plays a supporting hand in getting you where you never thought would happen a few months ago. You are on a rollercoaster of personal and professional success and where the higher intelligence is your guiding light from here on. Trust also in your instincts, they have not let you down and where the new life beckons you in ways not thought possible before.

22 Nov-21 Dec

This month starts off with new energy and optimism, express your views when the time is right and see the progress that is ahead of you. You no longer need to be in the doldrums of life.  You are leaping up to a higher more commanding phase where your advice is being taken and where you can express your views freely with an optimistic outlook. See your role change and where you will be given free rein to sort matters out, which has been left a long time ago.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

What you have been praying for is now being given. It is because the timing is perfect to embrace all that once was so difficult to achieve.  You will need to make some important decisions and sign important documents, which will secure your future for all time. This is not a dream, but a reality and it has to be cherished for the fundamental outcomes that it comes with. The new beginning has arrived at last.  Notice the financial rewards are already in place and where you will never need to worry again.

19 Feb-20 Mar

There are days when you think you are falling. This is not the case, as the permanent rise you are in does take it’s time to show itself in the substantial way that you are after. See the massive upward surge financially and professionally, where your work takes a progressive motion, much to your surprise and everybody else’s.  Know that you are appreciated for your honesty and direction and where you will see your own commanding position. The upward turn is now!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Time is running out for this vital contract to play itself out. See the many positive results from it and where more work and opportunities in the way of spin-offs occur. You are now able to achieve, where before regulations and obstacles prevented the full flow of events. These have been removed and so you are able to strive full steam ahead and with a clear head and an insight of what you now need to do.

20 Apr-20 May

All that has been blessed in your life comes full circle and where your commitment to the right cause will be asked of you. Take your time in deciding and where you will be able to fully appreciate and extend your goodwill and generosity of spirit. What is being asked of you is special and, in no way, will it hinder your lifetime’s commitment to others. All has been tailormade for you to personally advance and where happiness goes hand in hand with it.

21 May-20 Jun

You are not beaten. You are coming to terms with what was once a difficult decision that is now in fact not difficult at all.  All the constraints and complications are being removed, so that you are able to see the wider picture, not only for you, but for your immediate family.  This new approach will become your life saviour and where the lasting benefits are there for all time. Always learn to trust your own instincts, as they have not let you down.  Go forwards with renewed strength and energy.

21 Jun-22 Jul

By being compliant with the situations around you, it has led you to the successful career you now find yourself in. Never give up has always been your motto and it has stood you in very good stead over many occasions. See the situation you are in become bigger than it was meant to, but in a positive and productive way. You will be smiling all the way to the bank and beyond. New important accolades will be given to you.  You are everybody’s shining example.

23 Jul-22 Aug

What appeared to have started out as a terrible year has finished in absolute triumph and success. Your hard work and optimism have taken you forwards into the unknown and where your line of work and creativity will have both lasting legacies of achievement, but also admiration with it. Something you never thought possible before is now working with you and for you with lightning speed. See fame and fortune coming your way – you won’t regret it.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The mix up you are in will not last much longer and you will begin to see the benefits of what was a tangled mess unfolding into a miraculous system of working and being. Start to see where your influence now can make a substantial difference to you and others around you. Everybody can benefit and they will if they apply themselves as you have done.  You are the leader here and your direction counts in the smooth running of so many operations.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Friday, 1 September 2017

September 2017

23 Aug-22 Sep

As this week gets underway you will see increasing strength being given to you for the very important decisions you will need to make in these next thirty days.  There cannot be any more delays. These important decisions will outline the very work you will need to do to secure your future in so many ways.  You know it makes sense to act and think positively, so that your outcome is always assured. 

23 Sep-22 Oct

Now, as you face your greatest challenge to date and where the outcome is always positive, the green light is there for you to move on and out and where the safety net to do so is already in place.  Trust in the Higher Power, where everything for your smooth transition is already in place.  There will be no regrets, only lasting positive outcomes.  The life is bright and beautiful and it is yours for the taking.  Your prayers have finally been answered.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Don’t be judgemental towards those who do not understand your motives.  They can only see things from their own narrow point of view.  So many barriers are coming down for you, enabling a clearer viewpoint of what the future now holds for you.  It is all in the Grand Design and has been since the time of your birth.  Embrace what is now on offer for you and embrace it in the spirit it has been given.  You won’t regret it ever.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The true awakening has finally arrived and where you can now make that important transition.  The entire operation will go according to plan, so any reservations you might have had will simply melt away.  This time you are in charge and where those important decisions will keep you on course and where little problems are no longer the mountains they once were.  See your destiny rise and where you will remain at peace for all time, well done for all your courage at this time.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As your inner strength continues to grow and where the might that appears to come from nowhere becomes visible to you, you are entering into exciting times and where life, as you once knew it, is no more.  The new life offered to you will hit you suddenly and with a mighty force you will instinctively recognise as your own.  Now, the plans that have been put into place, can at last be realised and all will be completely natural to you.  Enjoy, this is your time!

20 Jan-18 Feb

As situations begin to change for you in rapid succession, you will be both amazed and delighted at the same time.  It has been an expensive year for you so far and those money advances you were asking for are well on their way to you.  Remain calm and see the protective forces gathering around you to safeguard you in so many ways.  You will emerge the victor and so be able to plan again, only this time it will be much better, as the conditions are right!

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you enter this phase of professional and personal advancement, you will want to pinch yourself in case you are dreaming.  This is not the case, as all those good things have come in due to the extensive hard work and dedication you have always shown.  This is your time to excel and to breathe the sweet breath of success.  What is so amazing is it won’t go away, as you continue to rise from day to day.  Learn to live and enjoy this time.  It is yours from now on.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Trust your instincts to take you to the next phase of your life.  You have always wanted to rise in the proper way, where you are able to make the necessary strides, which before was not possible.  See a new wave of energy being given to you and where the Higher Power will be able to transform your life in a better, more progressive way.  This is the start of new and important times ahead and where you can come into your own.  Being held back is no longer an option.

20 Apr-20 May

Hold your head high and believe that you are great.  This time you are being recognised for your true worth and where others will be able to see your greatness.  The time now is worth bringing out those new ideas into the light.  They have laid dormant in your imagination and where the right timing is now yours.  You can exploit them in a good and productive way.  Take this opportunity and run with it.  You won’t be disappointed.

21 May-20 Jun

Every cloud has a silver lining, as the saying goes and yours certainly has.  It is time to stop hiding your talents and start to expose them to a waiting world, who can benefit from them, as you will yourself.  You must start thinking big and stop thinking that all your creative ideas are small and insignificant – that is not the case.  You will be urged now to move on and to bring these many and varied talents to the surface and to see that many are waiting to enjoy them and, more importantly, learn from them.  This is your time to shine and nobody is taking, “No” for an answer!

21 Jun-22 Jul

The belief, that you can achieve in a mighty way, has always been there.  You have just recently lost your way to see what has always been possible for you.  As major circumstances change for you, the situation takes you forwards in ways not thought possible before.  Know that raw talent and determination has been your stock-in-trade and has carried you over the many exhausting and testing times.  This time you will see outstanding achievements and where others will congratulate you without you ever saying a word.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The new beginning will allow you the freedom finally being given to you.  You have earned all that comes to you and where you can exercise your right to say what becomes possible and what is not.  The experience gained over many years will stand you in good stead and where those who are around you now will encourage you to go further and see your name up in lights in a very short time indeed.  Well done for not giving up and for always believing in yourself –  your time has finally arrived!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

August 2017

23 Jul-22 Aug

This will be a very good month for you as unexpected work, which will take you through to next year will avail itself to you.  It will be an out of the blue project of some significance and where you and others will be pleased.  Never think that life is a struggle, as you start to see your way clear into getting major contracts, which were not possible before.  This will not only uplift you, it will energise you at the same time.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now is the time for taking life by the horns and running with it.  There is no more time deliberating over what might happen or not.  It is now that firm decisions need to be taken and where fast action must be delivered.  It is now that everything starts to change around for you, so you start to feel the impetus of going forwards no matter what you are doing.  You literally cannot stop events, so go for it.  You won’t regret it.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you start to see your path open wide, you will be reassured that this is not by chance, but by Divine Intervention and where openings were not possible before are now being delivered to you in no uncertain terms.  See ahead and make those necessary decisions.  You won’t be disappointed.  Happy times are really here and ahead.  The next few months are exciting, as you begin to see your rightful path and all that was promised is now being delivered.

23 Oct-21 Nov

What was once thought of as a terrible idea is now bearing fruit and where positive results becomes possible.  Do not look into everything with dread and suspicion.  That really is not the case and new situations are now opening up for you and others and where vital decisions can now be made and realised.  This is the opening of new and important phases and they cannot be ignored any longer, so, take that leap of faith and acknowledge what you now need to do!

22 Nov-21 Dec

It is now that your dreams are turned upside down and where you will need to rethink your strategy in going forwards.  You think that the impossible is not going to happen.  Well, start to see the planetary aspects playing nicely into your hands and begin a strategy which was not thought possible before, becoming that reality.  This is not a time to be fearful, but to be positive in your outlook and embrace the new reality coming your way.  You won’t be disappointed.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Life will appear a little disturbing for you at this time.  You will see that enormous efforts for doing very little appear to be taking their toll on you.  Do not be disturbed, as this is a planetary situation where extra energy will be given to you once this turbulence has come to its conclusion.  Then you will experience a relative time of calm and deliberation and where you will be able to adjust nicely.  So, keep calm and know you will come out of this alright.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Hold on to your hat.  You are now going places.  The floodgates for work and achievements are truly open and flourishing.  Start to see your role in so many things and where you will be asked to represent others less fortunate than yourself.  Your role now is to make that necessary impact into people’s lives and where you will be thoroughly appreciated for it.  Be happy, as you are being recognised for the truly wonderful person you are.

20 Apr-20 May

Life is really on the up and you will recognise it, as others around you also will.  It is now that what you have always wanted to achieve starts to bear fruit in so many different ways.  Lasting connections workwise will prove invaluable to you and so many, so it is finally that you have arrived to make that impact, not only to your life but to the lives of so many others.  This is where being in the fast lane of life starts to take off for you and there won’t be any regrets.

21 May-20 Jun

Don’t feel down and out.  You are going through this transition and where you will be able to accomplish what you have set out to achieve beyond your wildest dreams.  It is now that you start to believe in your own gifts and talents and where others will no longer shy away from you, but will wish to embrace you as never before.  You are now the centre of everybody’s world and where full attention in given to you on all aspects.  Remember to pace yourself and to rest where you can.  You will understand my meaning regarding this.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now, as further breakthroughs occur in your life, you will start to see a more controlled but active life.  The monetary aspects will begin to rise substantially and where all that you thought was difficult before is no longer.  Trust in your instincts and know that you have simply come through the worst and nothing now will stay the same.  You are on the high now and the impossible situation dragging you down is gone of ever.  Learn to be happy and optimistic and see the many good results coming in for you now!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see

Saturday, 1 July 2017

July 2017

21 Jun-22 Jul

The next two months will be extremely exciting for you and you will be able to make massive headway with your career and lifestyle.  Start to believe in yourself as never before and to understand that your capabilities are more than you think they are.  This is a success story waiting to open up for you in so many different ways.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Your life is not over, now is the time when all change appear, even in your most darkest hours the light of opportunity shines brightly for you.  You are in demand again for all your expertise and services.  Do not think you are a spent force and that situations which appear unreachable suddenly become possible.  A call out of the blue will be your saving grace and where all your hard work over many years begins to pay off!

23 Aug-22 Sep

As circumstances beyond your control start to appear from nowhere, this will enable you to make fast and objective changes and where a new beginning becomes possible.  In this world of ours, where being competitive is required of us to the highest degree, pressure is often brought to bear and where we find we do not always have the resources to achieve at the higher levels.  The Universe provides us all with what we need for our greater good and it always comes in on time.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Do not give up hope, the necessary breakthrough Is coming and where you will be well pleased.  Everything that so far has been predicted for you by the higher intelligence is now there waiting for you to take up that offer and where true progress is now made.  Everything becomes straightforward and where solutions to so many problems are being met and made.  Time now to reflect on more positive days and where the answers to so many questions are being relayed to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As surprise after surprise hits you this month you will see the reasons why you were held up in this awkward way.  The better solutions have now come in making life much easier and where a living and working programme transforms your life as never before.  You will see that you can now open up a business plan, which was beyond your control before, is now coming in, much to your delight and reassurance for going forwards.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Your courage and conviction have paid off as a new offer of employment is heading your way.  It will offer you far more than you thought possible and where you will become in charge of your own life once again.  Feel the enormous power of confidence coming into you, where you will be head and shoulders above the rest.  You certainly deserved all that comes to you now!

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Try not to be so hard on yourself and accept the decisions from a higher intelligence over yours.  You must not give up or give in, but to surrender to what needs to be done and where you can make headway in your life once again.  Stop feeling so sorry for yourself and accept that you are better off than you think you are and start feeling grateful for it, something you find extremely difficult to do.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

The breakthrough has finally happened and now you are in a position to plan for your future as never before.  It has taken its time in coming, but the obstacles stacked against you were great indeed. With perseverance and outstanding courage, you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labour and begin to breathe the fresh air of freedom once again.  Start to see your path open for you as never before and believe in your destiny to succeed at last.

20 Apr-20 May

The time plan is tight indeed, but you must plough through this awkward time to be able to achieve your goal, which you will do.  Start to see events starting to open up for you, which were not there a month ago, but are now showing you what you can now fully achieve if you put your mind to it.  This is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing if you want happiness and success now!

21 May-20 Jun

A coming together of minds is what is needed to make that necessary headway in all things.  You will be able to see that special soul working alongside you, so that joint achievements are now possible at a great rate.  The situation for you certainly does look rosy and where you will feel so relieved it all came in at the right time.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see