Tuesday, 1 August 2017

August 2017

23 Jul-22 Aug

This will be a very good month for you as unexpected work, which will take you through to next year will avail itself to you.  It will be an out of the blue project of some significance and where you and others will be pleased.  Never think that life is a struggle, as you start to see your way clear into getting major contracts, which were not possible before.  This will not only uplift you, it will energise you at the same time.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now is the time for taking life by the horns and running with it.  There is no more time deliberating over what might happen or not.  It is now that firm decisions need to be taken and where fast action must be delivered.  It is now that everything starts to change around for you, so you start to feel the impetus of going forwards no matter what you are doing.  You literally cannot stop events, so go for it.  You won’t regret it.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you start to see your path open wide, you will be reassured that this is not by chance, but by Divine Intervention and where openings were not possible before are now being delivered to you in no uncertain terms.  See ahead and make those necessary decisions.  You won’t be disappointed.  Happy times are really here and ahead.  The next few months are exciting, as you begin to see your rightful path and all that was promised is now being delivered.

23 Oct-21 Nov

What was once thought of as a terrible idea is now bearing fruit and where positive results becomes possible.  Do not look into everything with dread and suspicion.  That really is not the case and new situations are now opening up for you and others and where vital decisions can now be made and realised.  This is the opening of new and important phases and they cannot be ignored any longer, so, take that leap of faith and acknowledge what you now need to do!

22 Nov-21 Dec

It is now that your dreams are turned upside down and where you will need to rethink your strategy in going forwards.  You think that the impossible is not going to happen.  Well, start to see the planetary aspects playing nicely into your hands and begin a strategy which was not thought possible before, becoming that reality.  This is not a time to be fearful, but to be positive in your outlook and embrace the new reality coming your way.  You won’t be disappointed.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Life will appear a little disturbing for you at this time.  You will see that enormous efforts for doing very little appear to be taking their toll on you.  Do not be disturbed, as this is a planetary situation where extra energy will be given to you once this turbulence has come to its conclusion.  Then you will experience a relative time of calm and deliberation and where you will be able to adjust nicely.  So, keep calm and know you will come out of this alright.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Hold on to your hat.  You are now going places.  The floodgates for work and achievements are truly open and flourishing.  Start to see your role in so many things and where you will be asked to represent others less fortunate than yourself.  Your role now is to make that necessary impact into people’s lives and where you will be thoroughly appreciated for it.  Be happy, as you are being recognised for the truly wonderful person you are.

20 Apr-20 May

Life is really on the up and you will recognise it, as others around you also will.  It is now that what you have always wanted to achieve starts to bear fruit in so many different ways.  Lasting connections workwise will prove invaluable to you and so many, so it is finally that you have arrived to make that impact, not only to your life but to the lives of so many others.  This is where being in the fast lane of life starts to take off for you and there won’t be any regrets.

21 May-20 Jun

Don’t feel down and out.  You are going through this transition and where you will be able to accomplish what you have set out to achieve beyond your wildest dreams.  It is now that you start to believe in your own gifts and talents and where others will no longer shy away from you, but will wish to embrace you as never before.  You are now the centre of everybody’s world and where full attention in given to you on all aspects.  Remember to pace yourself and to rest where you can.  You will understand my meaning regarding this.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now, as further breakthroughs occur in your life, you will start to see a more controlled but active life.  The monetary aspects will begin to rise substantially and where all that you thought was difficult before is no longer.  Trust in your instincts and know that you have simply come through the worst and nothing now will stay the same.  You are on the high now and the impossible situation dragging you down is gone of ever.  Learn to be happy and optimistic and see the many good results coming in for you now!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

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