23 Jul-22 Aug
As you go
through these next weeks, you will notice that openings after openings will
present themselves to you. There will be
one exceptional situation which will present, that will have you dancing for
joy and where at last you can see your future opening up for you in many
ways. This is a certainty that must be
followed up and where all mental energy will be in place to accommodate the
tasks ahead.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
As the light shines brightly along your new path of exploration, you
will be dumfounded as to how far you have come and how much further you still
have to go. The path is clear ahead and
it only beckons your appreciation for what you have learnt and achieved so
far. This is all about self-recognition
and it is a monumental achievement on your part to see success around every
corner from now on. See the many
accolades being given to you. It is high
time and you so deserve it.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
Now the turning point to your life fully emerges giving you the go-ahead
and where obstacles that were in your pathway are no more. This is the breakthrough you have been
waiting for and where you will from now on be totally in command. It is you alone who call the shots, and all
will bow to your expertise as never before.
Never again will you have been taken for granted. You are being recognised in so many ways, so
well done to you!
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
This month will see you making some drastic decisions of which you
feel you can no longer put off. It is
high time you followed your instincts and called the other person’s bluff. You will find they are all hot air and those
feeble promises have not stood the test of time. See you march forward once again and where
there is genuine love, so that person will follow you regardless. You cannot afford to waste your life
anymore. Take the courage and go for it
and see the salvation to you coming in at long last.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
As you begin to organise your life in a totally different way, so
amazing solutions, not thought possible before, begin to open up for you,
making life more pleasurable and more manageable than ever before. If you are able to take on more staff where
your career is concerned, do it now. You
won’t regret it and it will confirm that your business is going from strength
to strength. A very busy and joyous
month for you, so be happy. You have
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
As you continue to go from strength to strength, earth shattering
news will see you hoisted up as never before, taking you out of the stuck
position and into the glorious light as never before seen by you or anyone else
for that matter. This is the stuff that
dreams are made of and where you will not ever deny your greatness. The world beckons you now. It is a time to get used to what has not been
familiar to you but is now happening with a will of its own. You have to see it to believe it and you will. So, fasten your seat belts and learn to be
taken on a ride that will transform your life for all time.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
These next few weeks will not only be life changing but it will
establish you in ways not thought possible before. You now have the mental and physical strength
to be able to deal with all the situations coming to you. At last you are able to appreciate what was
always intended for you to accomplish and where you will have no doubt that
this is your destiny for all time. Have
a happy face. You deserve all that is
now coming to you to make your life easier and more fulfilling as never before.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
This month will see you standing tall and really appreciating life
as never before. You will remember your greatest asset is yourself and you will
be able to see how valued you are by so many.
This will be a bit overwhelming at times, but it does give you an
indication of how much you mean to so many people. See a rise in status happening, which you had
not dreamed of before and where you will be centre stage as situations unfold
in your life for the better. A
turnaround of events will see you climbing as never before. You deserve this accolade, so take it in the
spirit it is offered.
21 Mar-19 Apr
That breakthrough moment is already upon us and it has seemed as if
it would never happen, but now it has.
Keep positive and see your life change around for the better in so many
ways. This is not a rehearsal but the
real thing and where you will be honoured for past achievements. It is your right to excel and where all the
hard work that you have done over a lifetime is now being given to you with
full recognition. Enjoy this time. You have truly earned it!
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
As you begin to trust your instincts once again, you will be given
the green light to proceed in a project that has been daggling in your face for
some time. The timing is exactly right
and where that masterstroke of genius is given to you to proceed down this new
path of excellence and where you are in a position to shine as never
before. Do not be afraid. This is an easy task for you to perform and
excel in. You will soon be the talk of
the town and well done indeed.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
With the planetary changes now in your favour, it will seem that
everything you touch will simply turn to gold.
It is high time you accepted that you are an achiever and that when the
timing is right, which it is now, so everything falls nicely into place with
minimum effort on your part. A new and
exciting partnership is about to begin and where you will see the lasting
physical and financial rewards being offered to you. This is not a pipedream, but a reality!
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
As you come to terms with how your life is unfolding right now and
where you are in a position to make that name for yourself, you will have no
regrets. There is colossal backing for
you with this career move, so that you can stand head and shoulders above the
rest knowing you have made it and all who are there welcome your achievements
as never before. Know you are well-liked
and respected and all have indirectly a vested interest in your success. The chance to excel is now and enjoy every
minute of it.
from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk
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